Man's inhumanities to man has killed more humans than all the predators that have ever lived. Pogo, the cartoon character, was right on:"We have met the enemy and it is us." Our greatet threats are people who look different than we do, speak different than we do, have less food, power, and security than we do. We fear each other. Religion, politics, and cultures are the cause of our fear, not lions, and tigers, and bears. The gangs next door, the poverty stricken, less educated, insecure, people are our enemy. Who do we remember from history? Alexander, Caesar, Ghengis Kahn, the Crusades, 30 year war, 100 year war, conquests of Napolean, The Roman Empire, the british empire, the wars of China, Japan, Hitler, Stalin, etc., etc. Until we change human nature, scentifically, we'll keep being our own worst danger.
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