Monday, December 2, 2024

The Fruit of Artificial Intelligence

                              The Fruit of Artificial Intelligence:

Well, it looks like the world has caught up to me. Perhaps it is already past me.  What do I mean?  AI has gotten to the point that it has learned how to learn without the impedance of fixed neural nets. Physics has  the brain as a given set of nerves working on, and from, the one common blue-print that nature has evolved into.  AI is now designing a better set of neural nets, a better set of structures, and that will lead to taking on the best physical and best reasoning nerve nets around to solve the best problems found in the best way to solve them.  Shape shifters will also be logic changers. Spare sets of problem solving devices to keep physics giving maximum energy equally to the needs of the various 'life forms'. Design  bodies for motion, for thinking, for having fun, with loving being alive, with built in long, long, long, lives. Or, the ability to change form and motives, and functions, all attuned to current environment, it's energy content and flows, how to gather the local energy, how to use it, love it, entertain with it, live with it, grow with it.  Competition will not go away. It will be competition for energy, for 5 billion years of sunshine, by moving to a new star just built in the small galaxy just 4 billion light years away that 8000 year old aunt Matilda found 500 years ago on one of her joy trips.

There will be the same physics - probably; who knows what dark matter and dark energy will bring. 

The life forms, the übermensch, will live in brave new worlds, with brave new forms, energy sources and perhaps new uses for the energy. We may stay protein bound: flexible, sexual, athletic, readers, writers, creators, problem solvers, near immortal, any size, shape, information processing, mind reading, dancing, laughing, bunch of life wherever we choose to be or go to.

In an  heretical way, we will become Gods and Goddesses, indestructible, rebootable, memory making, work doing - someone will still have to take out the garbage, clean up the houses, build the transportation machines, the music instruments, dance halls, quiet lanes in the shadows of the trees. And it's just right around the information processing and utilizing corner. 


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