I fear the frightened, the weak who think they are strong, and led who think they are leaders. This 'steal, lie, cheat and destroy Democracy, for the good of the people, is oldest Oligarchic ploy in history. You convince the weak and ignorant they are strong and smart, telling them you are strong and smart. The Republicans have no philosophy or policy for growth, saving mankind from itself, or making any progress except crushing anyone who doesn't follow their Power and money GRAB. We must fight! Trump told the Jan. 6th fools, "If you don't fight like hell you will lose your country." He was talking to US, the American democrats (small d) who know all power junkies are dangerous, clannish, foolish, lost, negative, fools, I fear the Republican Plan to take power and "crush the enemy" and the people of America are the ENEMY. Beat them at the poles or lose your Country.
Friday, October 22, 2021
Saturday, October 16, 2021
Answer to a question oabout "Spirituality" from only neurons, in Quora
Spirituality comes from neurons that evolved to make judgements on how to keep you alive, at least until reproductive age. Consequently, many neural nets have gotten great potential to see the world simply and fairly accurately. But imagination is in there. Fear is in there, causal relationships are in there. Social actions and the potential for love and hate, confidence and insecurity, truth and falsehood. There are libraries full of writings on Gods and Goddesses, angles, and devils. There is not one shred of physical information flowing from these claimed creatures. Some movie had a decent character say they are imaginary playmates for adults. Religion and spirituality answered the questions that couldn’t be answered in their day: How did we get here. God made us and loves us and gave us guidance in these books we’ve read together to “explain these answers”. They simply have only opinion and hope and some means of getting money and power for the managers of the beliefs and believers. And it has worked. My personal conclusion is that God is the human personification of Evolution, it explains how we got here so we can go on with acquiring food, clothing, shelter, lovers, friends, and work. I also have taken on the habit of claiming God can’t be omnipotent because it is impossible: Can God make a brick so big He can’t pick it up? Can God make a sinner that he can’t save, or a saint He can’t corrupt? There is no truth support for Religion and spirituality. So the Church doors are closing all over the world. And the Churches that maintained celibacy for it’s Priests have had children sexually abused, raped and damaged, for 10,000 years. But, they were holy men, so they got away with it. I prefer atheism, science, David Hume, Bertrand Russell, Richard Dawkins, world literature and the rule of law without ghosts and goblins making the laws.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Response to Jay Caspian Kang nytimes article: The Myth of Asian American Identity
This very honest and open 'letter to your daughter', and those other people, touched many commonalities in the life of all ; I have seen children of shapes and colors playing, laughing, and holding hands. I have teenagers 'gang up' and temper their inherent insecurities with friends with common, or near common, reasons that support their insecurities. It starts with not knowing the reason for life or the purpose of life. My purpose may well have been to be a second generation Italian Immigrant, which is how my father initially saw me. Or I could have been a middle class American living right after the 2nd world war meant to do equations, afraid of girls, mediocre at sports, too short, and afraid of being afraid. I made many mistakes, cheated myself by living a non-standard life but saw that the children who hold hands and play together only stopped because those more insecure than normal picked on the kids. Bullied them. generation after generation. Bertrand Russell documents this in his autobiography. When running a school in England with his wife, he found the boys in the upper classes bulling, physically, younger boys. He got one of the boys and asked him why they did it. The answer was, "The bigs beat us up when we came up. Its fair we beat up the littles behind us. The raw uneducated of the land get over their inferiority by bulling the physical weaker. Then the financially weaker. Or just 'the weak'. Stop the insecure grown up bullies, of all types. Human is good.
My 3 grand children are of American (German-Italian Russian) and Japanese ancestries. The problems mankind has with life and educating the young is our horrible human natures. Man's inhumanities to man come from one primary cause: "Someone must be the cause of my insecurity, death, and division and I must do something about it. At least show that I am strong and unafraid. I can bully the world and all its people and prove I am strong and unafraid." Even though it is not true. Doesn't matter if you win the fight, whatever ring you choose to fight in. "kill the enemy" gets moreplay than "love the enemy".
Republicans Next President will end Democracy.
Trump is a despicable fool and pathologic liar. His lack of intelligence and foolish belief that he could "con the world" cost 400,000 un-needed deaths to covid-19. He violated every law against foreign interference in American election laws. There was nothing that he did that was good because no good has come from any of his policies, only death and degradation of life and law. If he had an iota of sense his idiot followers, "the raw uneducated of the land", would have been able to do what Lenin's and Hitler's followers did, takeover the legislature by force. The added failure in courage, along with the lack of any knowledge, saved our cowardly country from the violent take over Trump advocated: "You must fight like hell or you won't have a country." (Violates Smith Act of 1940.) The press was more cowardly than the DOJ and gave Trump freedom to undermine all of America legal institutions. Biden still is frightened to indict and convict Trump. Just another Sheep in sheep's clothing. The next Oligarch Picked Republican President will take over the country, and destroy democracy. And the press will document how it all happened, good journalists that they are. We are no longer worthy of governing ourselves, if we ever were.