"WE" did confront the Republican 'monarchists'. Even though we've lost a lot of lives due to the Republican ineptness at running a government, stealing a lot of money, being anti-law, and wanting to make Trump the dictator he wants to be. Twice we put him on trial and three times we told ourselves and the world Trump is crazy, inept, and The Republicans are just as crazy, thinking they can sell us a dictator, and one that is so incompetent and stupid in the bargain. The Press, NYT, WOP , CBX, NBC, ABC news, all helped, to a large degree. The majority of the Country read a little of the Constitution, a little of our history, even learned how rotten and inhumane we've been with the Blacks and Women in America. The Religious wars are going on and the conspiracy lovers use God, hate, fear, and didn't sell it all very well. America held. Our generation has stopped a lot of stupidity: the Vietnam War that the Pentagon knew we couldn't win, the Nixon crook, now the Trump crook and dealer in death and destruction. Public opinion has brought a lot of people to see that if you don't participate, talk back against ignorance and hate, and selfishness you end up spreading the hate and stupidity. I'm proud of us overcoming the Republican threat, as we did with McCarthy, etc. The trouble is the lunatic fringe needs confronted more and more. Science needs taught, emphasized, it works. magic fails us. Truth saves us.
Thursday, February 18, 2021
Sunday, February 14, 2021
McConnell the 'Moscow Mitch' Shirker
McConnell did what he always does, he shirked his responsibilities to the people and pretended to care about the law because he has no personal affection or feels any responsibility either for the law or the people. Power is all he knows, all he cares about, and all he stands up for, his power. As a not too overly bright person myself I follow most of the 'smooth moves', 'thoughtful insights' and they are shallow ragged moves that aren't particularly insightful. To say Trump should be charged by the DOJ is the most repeated line of the news since Jan 6th. To say he hasn't gotten away with anything, yet, is wrong; he got away with 300 incompetent Federal Judges appointed through The Republican Senate that McConnell led. He got away with being a Russian Traitor by putting Mueller in as Special Counsel and avoiding both impeachment and indictment. And now he's gotten away with advocating the violent overthrow of the Government because nobody remembers the Smith Act and the Joe McCarthy Republican show of shows. It's all a meaningless joke, unless you're still in your thirties and you know your parents generation, the one that stopped a war and fired a President (while they were high), just Okayed a President sending riotous ugly people to kill 538 members of the Legislature and watch 43 of those 'weak Republican Senators' vote that it wasn't a high crime or misdemeanor per the Constitution. The guys he tried to kill say it's ok to try and kill them and make yourself Dictator of America. And, we are still paying those stinking ugly imbeciles who rewarded Trump, the head of the 'Murder Incorporated' gang that came to kill them. Dumb as rocks, the Republican Senators, and twice as ugly. Turn America over, it's done.
Thursday, February 11, 2021
Republican Party, the Party of SCUM.
History shows us that autocrats who send death into legislatures mean to take over he government of the country by force of arms. We have the Smith Act that outlaws 'advocating the violent overthrow of the government." and Trump just tried it, like Lenin did, Mussolini did, Hitler did, and more and more, starting with Cesar. Autocracy, what Jefferson call Monarchy and kits supporters Monarchists. Our ex-President had men and women, a foolish, incompetent, poorly educated, Putin follower, was entertained by people determined to keep the 2020 Federal election formally certified for history. And, after 212 years and 45 successful peaceful transfers of power, we had an attempted coup by our sitting President. After advocating the violent takeover of our government Trump celebrated the invasion of the Capital Building by his followers, puppets to Trump like he is a puppet to Putin, rampaging, murdering, and desecrating our Constitution, our laws, our honor, our Representatives. Etc... And now Trump's Political lickspittles, the cowards, powerful, power hungry, Republican Senators, whose salaries are paid by the U.S. Treasury, support Trump and his attempt to violently overthrow the United States government. It's fine with them. And they have declared themselves enemies of freedom, of life, of justice, of democracy. Thehy are rotten people, traitors to our Constitution, to all men being equal, Donald Trump isn't equal, they have twice cohosen to not punish him for crimes that were committed and could only have committed by him. They have spit on law and order. They have spit on the equal protection of the law. They celebrate the death of people who protected them. If that's not scum, i don't know what scum can be. Republican is now synonymous with destroyers of America, of people who tore up the Constitution, laughed at morality, Religion, law and order. They choose evil over good, vicious violence over debate.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Trump should be in Court,
Trump is not on trial alone: America is on trial. This nation, "Conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" is again challenged by those who would have a King, or Dictator, and who hope to RULE us rather than represent us and serve us. The Republican party has gathered together, killed people in the capital itself, and must now stand up for the Bill of Rights and all men being equal, even the wrong and evil who would destroy our freedom. Trump should be in a Court of Law and tried for advocating the violent overthrow of the government. He should have the full protection of our laws and so should we have the chance to punish him for his attempt to steal our way of life in the same way he sold our money, our hope, and our future. Charge Trump in Federal Court, and incarcerate him and any man who tries to take our freedom, our future, and the future of our children. Trump screamed "Make me the king". And people died because he did.
Monday, February 8, 2021
Second Impeachment of Trump and No Criminal Charges in Sight
I can plainly remember Ms. Pelosi saying, in affect,"I don't want to impeach Trump, I want to see him in jail." I totally concur with that, apparently she doesn't.
Monday, February 1, 2021
Do not Follow Trump the liar, cheat, and Thief who is a Coward and a Fool
Republicans have chosen and supported a pathological liar known to be a cheating, ignorant, thief who believes that applying those qualities are the best way to govern and control a nation and the rest of us. A man who is a coward, "I'll be there (at the Capital riot to take over the Legislature of the United States and remove their fairly elected new President) and like the frightened fool Trump is he did not put himself in harms way. He sent you to kill and die for HIM, in violation of the law, the Constitution, and every moral code ever dreamed of. Go and make Trump President for life. The Republicans still believe and follow this pathetic coward to govern them and overthrow the Union. Trump requests you fight the war for slavery, your slavery not just the black community's. And you will have to defeat an Army, Navy, and Air Force that has a over a million soldiers, 10 nuclear powered aircraft carriers, 250 years of democracy, fought and died for, keeping itself and its future democratic. So you want this stupid Trump to rule you? I don't. The majority of the people don't. And we too, will, if need be, fight for what we want. And that is to not be ruled by a Fool, a Coward, a Liar, and a worthless Dog of a failed hater of the law, hater of order, hater of religion and morality, hater of democracy, and a hater of YOU. You have chosen this. Do you hate America like Trump does? Enough to ruin it with hate and ignorance?