How'd we do? Count the body bags. Then count them in countries that knew how to solve problems: Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, South Korea... etc. We have shown our government and it's philosophy, under the Republicans, has been lie, lie, lie, cheat cheat, cheat, steal, steal, steal. No science is right and damn the facts that cars work, phones, work, surgery works, vaccines work, but stupidity doesn't, incompetence doesn't. Damn our government and what we have done to ourselves. The American Oligarchs have chose flunkies to put into Congress and they got flunky results. Trouble is, so did we. We must give the vote on laws to no-one. We must vote n our laws. The electoral college is wrong, voting directly for executive officers is right. Voting for the Judges is also right. One man one vote, equal before the law, equal responsibility before the law, damn buy congressional seats and flunkies. Do the job ourselves. We make the laws, we elect "public servants" and we choose our Judges. Nothing else is democracy. This Representative Republic has failed. It's time to fix it. Set up the Constitutional Convention, now. See, it was put up in 2014, years before Trump and American Oligarchs took over.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Americ's Covid-19 Response
And after the virus from China was loose in the world South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Viet Nam , and China, and a few others, slowed and then stopped the spread and death from covid-19. Donald Trump and the Republican Party and Executive branch (Republicans) were more worried about the Stock Market than testing for the virus and isolating, quarantining, contract tracking, and fighting the virus. They are to blame for %80 of the cases and deaths. Donald Trump, unfit to be a human being, let alone a problem solver, became the problem of a generation, with the concurrence and sustained efforts, of the Republicans and their Oligarch controllers, contributors. Ignorance and greed of the liars, cheaters, and thieves caused death for a year now. It's horrible. Its as if someone who has the power to pardon people wrongly convicted used that power to free the correctly convicted in an arbitrary and capricious manner. America needs fixed, educated, and respected again, by its citizens.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Partial Trump Record
Campaign workers of 2016 went to jail. Children from 2017 seeking asylum still in Concentration camps. North Korea with better nuclear bombs carried on better missiles, 225,000 dead Americans, 8 million sickened americans. 30 million out of work. Trump's charged with rapes, charged with tax fraud, Impeached, pathological liar showing deeper pathologies: Trump's record. And he wants to stop collecting Social Security money from the paychecks. Biden is not Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln; but, he's awfully close to being Truman, Lyndon Johnson, or other solid Democratic Presidents. Biden is low drama, hard working, rational, problem solver, responsible, decent human being. Trump is a joke, unfit for making decisions, unfit for service of any kind: remember the Soldiers who died fighting America's wars were suckers. And Trump, He's a Prince among Men. But his record, outlined above, shows what he's done, who he is, and he is just a petty thief stealing large now, but still with a petty mind, petty ambition, a petty person. Impeach him the day after he loses the election so no one can pardon him.. Constitution forbids pardons in cases of Impeachment. Vote, seek justice, seek freedom, seek progress.
Trumps Pardons
Putting convicted criminals on the street doesn't help anyone, not even them. This is a complete denial of "equal protection of the law." It isn't protecting US. It is a key to the Republican philosophy of government: "There are special people, superior people, and they are the liars, cheaters, and thieves who run the Republican con game, and run the poorest states, the least educated states, and longest states on the list of poverty and uneducated in America. They call people who work hard, raise their children, get their children educated in math and science and economics, lawyers and doctors, "elitists".
You separate people when you free the guilty and punish the innocent. It destroys morality, it destroys hope for a better world. Trump and the Republicans are against equality, they are for Government protection of ignorance, lies, and stealing from the government. And they are successful by defeating education, equal enforcement of law among the races, and classes. Damn pardoning crooks and liars and rotten people. Trump pardoned the crooks and liars and rotten people only because he is one and believes in it as the correct philosophy. Damn him and his ignorance that has killed 80% of our covid-19 dead. And Moscow Mitch is worse, he knows he is viciously a white supremacist and prides himself on it. Good luck America. We are being tested again on whether this nation or any nation dedicated to freedom and all men being equal can long endure. I think stupidity, greed, and lawlessness will win out. It has for 10,000 years of "civilization". Georgians, please vote, and preferably Democratic. Vote your own best interest.Saturday, December 19, 2020
Death, response to nyt article
Death is running out of time to fix the world, to talk people into being kind and generous and curious and laughing and dancing, and caring. You have lost the chance for immortality, physically living for a very long time. All your memories, everything you have learned, the memories of all your accomplishments and failures. Adventures gone and no longer remembered. Death is a stopped clock that evolution has not addressed for rewinding. Shuffling off this mortal coil. Goinging into the "good night" and not waking up. The end of investing your time gathering and using information. The last absurdity of life. The end of what Dawkins called "the tyranny of the genes."