Sunday, April 29, 2018

On the White House Reporters Dinner

The good journalists, celebrating their job at the White House, have been out maneuvered by the street wise Trump in many ways, but the key way is in how Trump joined them in calling the Russian investigation an investigation of "collusion". Trump is incorrect that there was no collusion, but the media was wrong in that label. What the Russian investigation is about is TREASON. Trump has conspired with the Russian Government to assist that government in interfering with the internal processes of the American Government: the 2016 election. So journalism has minimised the treason by not calling it what it was, and probably still is, treason against the United States of America. He had the Ukrainian Plank of the Republican platform changed from offering heavy weapons to the Ukraine to something much less formidable. And Trump did at the request of Putin, through intermediaries, like Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, or General Flynn or even Jeff Sessions. Whatever. It was treason, doing the bidding of a foreign government to change the internal processes of the American election. Then There was publically asking the Russians to interfere in the election by publishing the "missing 30,00 Clinton emails." It was Trump asking Russia to interfere in our internal affairs, which they soon did, by putting up the DNC hacked information on wikileaks. Simple, straight forward interference in the American election, aided and solicited by Trump and his campaign, on television. There was collusion but it is collusion to commit treason, collusion in support of Treason. Flynn's phone calls with Kislyak show the treason expanded to the promise of removal of sanctions if the Russians did not react to Obama's imposition of sanctions in December of 2016. Trason,pure and simple: giving aide and comfort to an adversary of 90 years, the Russian government. Trump is a TRAITOR. They are all traitors. Trump said he fired Comey to get rid of the "Russia thing": treason.

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