Sunday, November 4, 2018
Trump and the Republicans are Russian Agents...
Why has every person high up in Trump's campaign in 2016 been shown to be guilty of crime? They have pled guilty or been found guilty by a jury, or both. Mostly because they lied about being Russian agents, Russian spies. The only logical conclusion is that if all of the help were Russian agents so was the boss. Trump is a Russian agent. This is not hyperbole, it is logic: the help were agents, so then, was the boss. And this Russian agent, Trump, has recruited the entire Republican party as fellow agents in support of Russia. Mueller will prove this and the Congress will ignore it. If they don't they will have to admit they are Russian agents. Pity...
Wednesday, October 31, 2018
Trump the bully
The bully Trump just bullied the whole town of Pittsburgh. His fear of not being seen at the tragedy over came any chance he would not go to a mourning town that asked him to stay away. So Trump bullied his way into the Synagogue of slaughter and showed his impossible contempt for anyone opposing him on anything.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
The FBI failed America.
The head of the FBI, Christopher Wray, told the world yesterday, in a Senate hearing room, that the Kavanaugh 'investigation' was a hoax, with a predetermined outcome that was dictated by the President of the United States and fulfilled by the FBI. The Supreme Court now has two, count them, two Republican nominated and Republican approved sexual deviates sitting in Robes deciding what the law is. There is no truth left, no Constitution left, just lying, cheating, stealing, and destruction of America. The FBI, in peace and war, is an impotent arm of the Executive to be used to propagate propaganda, demean the word justice, and deliberately lie to the People. A curse on all their houses, and all the slaves of TRUMPISM. The founding Fathers were wrong: they couldn't hold back the corruption of a totally corrupt party. The FBI is another destroyed Agency under Trump, McConnell, and their total immorality and contempt for truth and American people.
Monday, September 3, 2018
On the Flag Controversy
There's only one thing wrong with the flag: people using it as an excuse to do violence to the constitution and suppress free speech, the right to peaceably assemble, and the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. The flag is a symbol that I respect, the Constitution is a set of ideas that the flag symbolizes and which gives value to the flag. Discrediting and disgracing the Constitution discredits everyone that ever lived in America and struggled to keep us free and protected by the Constitution. Damn the symbol, love the substance!
Monday, July 9, 2018
What needs done...
Tear down the children concentration camps! Don't remove ICE, remove the Republican party from supporting them. Why hasn't Mueller indicted Trump, declared the 2016 election null and void, and required a totally new 2016 election? Flynn's guilty plea implies Flynn was a Russian spy getting Trumps desires passed to Putin through Kislyak. Therefore Trump is a Traitor, the Entire election of 2016 is null and void because of the Russian interference with Trump and Flynn's, and others, help? Therefore all the Supreme Court rulings made with Trump's appointment on the Court are null and void, as are all the laws passed by the illegitimate Congress. Fight the Right Fight: for truth and justice. Is Muller really on the level? I hope so. But why has he let the Traitor Trump continue?
Friday, June 29, 2018
One Truth on "Witch Hunt"
Remember: General Flynn has pled guilty to lying about being a traitor and a Russian agent.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Trumps Concentration camps for children
These are concentration camps for brown children who are "polluting America". As all good white people , especially Republicans, all know. Totally reprehensible, totally against UN charter and other treaties, totally Trumps "immigration"policy. Like the good German and Putin Puppet he is.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
The Putin plan for Trump ...
Putin's goals seem clear: destroy America's ability to influence other democracies; destroy America's ability to morally and militarily oppose Putin's new plan of Russian expansion and influence in the world.
The destruction of our ability to influence other democracies started with the destruction of the United State's State Department. It is almost complete, in one year of Trump's obedience to Russia.
The removal of the the United States from the Trans Pacific Trade agreement totally degraded our influence over the entire Pacific rim along with their trust in the U.S..
The removal of the United States from the Iran agreement made our allies in Europe and Asia trust us less than they have ever trusted us.
Our removal from the Paris Climate Agreement totally degraded our moral leadership in protecting the physical World for the future of our children and all children and all people in the future.
These are four major accomplishments of Putin in removing the opposition of America in the world against the military expansion and political free hand he wishes for himself, the Russian Country, and his allies, in influencing the people of the world to denigrate America, truth, morality, democracy, and freedom.
It was a simple philosophy, ruthlessly accomplished, for little money and a small set of American traitors: Trump and a few Republican leaders. The smallest cabal in history to destroy the trust and power of a nation in a year. Machiavelli would be justly impressed.
Monday, May 7, 2018
What's Up with Mueller?
Mueller has guilty pleas from two men who lied about not acting with the Russians: Flynn and Papadopoulos. Effectively they lied that they were not traitors and spies, conspiring with Russian officials. And, it seems that Russia would not act on the word of these underlings, but they would if they knew Trump was supporting these two conspirators. Why hasn't Mueller brought indictment against Trump and the rest already?
Friday, May 4, 2018
Hypothetical indictment of Trump...
Hypothetical: Mueller indicts Trump for treason. The argument presented to justify the indictment is simple and straight forward:
The Accused is not above the law and must answer this set of indictments that were handed down by a Grand Jury from the proper venue.
If the President is not required, by this court, to answer these charges then this court, with all due respect, is saying the President is above the law. If he is above the law then this Court has just appointed him the Dictator of the United States and has abandoned it's responsibility to the rule of law and made us, against the Constitution's intent, a nation ruled by one man.
The Accused is not above the law and must answer this set of indictments that were handed down by a Grand Jury from the proper venue.
If the President is not required, by this court, to answer these charges then this court, with all due respect, is saying the President is above the law. If he is above the law then this Court has just appointed him the Dictator of the United States and has abandoned it's responsibility to the rule of law and made us, against the Constitution's intent, a nation ruled by one man.
Sunday, April 29, 2018
On the White House Reporters Dinner
The good journalists, celebrating their job at the White House, have been out maneuvered by the street wise Trump in many ways, but the key way is in how Trump joined them in calling the Russian investigation an investigation of "collusion". Trump is incorrect that there was no collusion, but the media was wrong in that label. What the Russian investigation is about is TREASON. Trump has conspired with the Russian Government to assist that government in interfering with the internal processes of the American Government: the 2016 election. So journalism has minimised the treason by not calling it what it was, and probably still is, treason against the United States of America. He had the Ukrainian Plank of the Republican platform changed from offering heavy weapons to the Ukraine to something much less formidable. And Trump did at the request of Putin, through intermediaries, like Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, or General Flynn or even Jeff Sessions. Whatever. It was treason, doing the bidding of a foreign government to change the internal processes of the American election. Then There was publically asking the Russians to interfere in the election by publishing the "missing 30,00 Clinton emails." It was Trump asking Russia to interfere in our internal affairs, which they soon did, by putting up the DNC hacked information on wikileaks. Simple, straight forward interference in the American election, aided and solicited by Trump and his campaign, on television. There was collusion but it is collusion to commit treason, collusion in support of Treason. Flynn's phone calls with Kislyak show the treason expanded to the promise of removal of sanctions if the Russians did not react to Obama's imposition of sanctions in December of 2016. Trason,pure and simple: giving aide and comfort to an adversary of 90 years, the Russian government. Trump is a TRAITOR. They are all traitors. Trump said he fired Comey to get rid of the "Russia thing": treason.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Response to Guardian on new book about Conservatism.
Liberalism, which I define as the philosophy based on the equality of man, equal justice for all, and voting rights to choose the laws under which you live, the executives who enforce those laws, and the judges who interpret and apply those laws, has made great strides since John Locke, but has not succeeded. To be successful the Representatives who make our laws must be removed from the process. They cannot and do not Represent the people. They are bought and paid for by the rich and powerful. Our founding Fathers did not believe we are wise enough to govern ourselves,so they concocted the two bicameral houses of Representatives to make our laws. They proudly stated that it is a Representative Republic, not a Democracy, and that Actual Democracy was impossible because all the people could not gather together and vote. This is a falsehood. Nonetheless, the Constitution has intermediaries for all direct votes: Representatives vote on laws, not the people. Members of the Electoral College vote for the Executives, and the Executive appoints the Federal Judges, who aren't answerable to the people, the legislature, or the Executive; Jefferson said it was as if they weren't even part of the country. Liberalism has succeeded to the level it has, all over the world, because it approaches freedom for the individual and justice for the individual. It will completely succeed when it is an actual democracy: one where the people vote directly on the laws - without the corruption of Representatives, directly for the Chief Executives - and not members of the electoral College; and directly on the Judges. Such a government will not be perfect, but it will be "more perfect" than any Representative, Conservative, government.
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Response to a NY Times essay about "baby boomers".
Nihilism, by any other name is surrender to giving up the life we have, giving up pursuing happiness, loafing until death do us part. Bull crap. There is work to be done. There is immortality, or at least very long life to pursue. There are 40 institutes of aging and/or longevity on earth and they're doing serious , and good, work toward that end. And there is freedom, justice, and equality to pursue, in contradiction to those who would steal our labor, money, and freedom for their personal aggrandizement, their retirement, and their lack of faith or hope in forming a more perfect union, or more perfect societies. There's man's work to do and not sit around and whine that my time has come or is coming. Work to overcome the fear of the second law by remembering that you can put more energy into a system and keep it going, make it more perfect, more efficient. There's science to do, life to live, children and grand children to educate. There are problems that many of us are trained to see, if not to overcome. Take your nihilism and loaf with you soul. I seek work and adventure and longer days. Man and society may not be perfectable but they are capable of more and more perfection toward some arbitrary asymptote of perfection. Do not go gently into that good night.
Sunday, April 1, 2018
Response to trustng science more than religion...
Roger Duronio It's not "trusting", it's convincing: I see, hear, research information from all around me and from my fellow men, living and dead. I can follow the arguments on motion from Archimedes, to Newton, to Einstein, and literally weigh and measure and predict the speed of falling objects, the path of a baseball. I see that everyone has 5 fingers and toes on each of two hands and feet, and I follow the course of evolution on earth from 4.5 billion years ago to today and understand how the genes and their interactions, in one body,one species, all species has led to the current set of life on this planet. Science gives us the ability to take it's conclusions and "do things": make cars, planes, houses, ball parks, churches, schools, bars, etc. Religion, however, and unfortunately, cannot and does not enable us to take it's dogma and produce physical changes for our species and world. It is sterile. Science is productive. One gives us control over what we understand, the other attempts to control us with what we can not, and do not, and won't ever understand: the Spirit world of magic that gives hope, false hope, in trying to salve the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune while living here and now.
Response to NYTimes article on the elderly and retirement...
I don't like getting personal in these 'response' notes...BUT, I'm a 75 year old, twice incarcerated (13 years total in prison) who has a masters degree in physical chemistry, 30 years as a computer jock ( just put Ubuntu onto my 5 year old hp and have a dual boot with windows, now.) and even as oneof the worst people on earth I still have skills and abilities that the society is cheating itself of by not employing me in fields where i can, and wish, to contribute. We have always been a country of mavericks, look at our politics now... This is just a simple, but personal, point, the nation is cheating iteslf from people like me, and millions just like me, because of fear and ignorance and the "new political correctness" where there is no 'forgiveness, compassion, hope of rehabilitation, one failure is a life's failure today. I'm an atheist but I grew up in a Christian environment and know Christ's intent on salvaging 'lost souls', etc. I don't want or need anything but an opportunity, like many of age and background, to bring my science, my computing skills ( even as just a heads down programmer) to bear on the productivity of this country. Not being able to contribute is worst part of prison. I'm still in that position, and it's cheating my country of what I, and all likeme, can do. Pity. And I fill my time and have an honest mundane courier job. And scorn self-pity.
Monday, March 12, 2018
A curse on both their houses...
The Republican members of the House intelligence committee have obviously assumed a position that is callously indifferent to the truth, indifferent to their oath to protect the Constitution, indifferent to the will of their constituents, and indifferent to the consequences of joining Trump in obeying Russian orders over their own judgement. I am ashamed to have memorised many of our founding documents when, in an earlier age, we respected those documents and what said and meant. We must arm ourselves with a love of truth, a love of freedom and courage, and the need to stand against these liars, these fools, these men who mock what all our soldiers died to protect. Damn these Republicans and the democrats who won't call them out for what they are: traitors to America. Damn their souls. A curse on both their houses.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Stop arming the baby killers with the best weapons.
The baby killers go into our schools and kill the 6,8,12,17 year old babies with very efficient attack rifles that the Republican leaders assert are the baby killers absolute constitutional right. I don't believe that's true. If it is true we must change the Constitution for the 25th time. Or we will keep arming baby killers to have our children slaughtered in their schools. We will not see them grow into parents, we will not see the scientists, doctors, writers, dancers, singers, truck drivers, coal miners, nobel prize winners they could have grown to be. But the baby killers must have the best weapons, the most efficient killing weapons that money can buy because the gun manufacturers, the NRA, and their ilk pay the Congressmen to make sure the baby killers have the best guns money can buy.
The only thing to do is go vote in November. Support the baby killers and vote Republican. McConnell and Ryan will be grateful, as well as Trump and the NRA and the entire military industrial complex. Support the babies and vote Democratic, but only if they swear to change the law and remove the military style rifles from the public.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Our failed military schools and the Generals of Trump.
What's happened to West Point and Annapolis that they put out Generals like Flynn and Kelly? What happened to the entire culture based on the commitment , an unquestionable and integral part of the basic character of American military for centuries, the culture of Duty, Honor, Country? The lack of moral fiber in these Generals is appalling. They lie at the drop of a hat. They have too easily acquired the "Get all you can, anyway you can, and the devil be damned" philosophy over "Duty, Honor, Country". Liars are not men who respect their Duty, who are honorable without thought or question in all they do, who don't care what country or organization they pay lip service to as long as they keep the power and responsibilities they seek, and believe they deserve. The entire educational system of the United States has failed this nation by educating intellect to the neglect of character but the self-serving, dishonorable, power hungry Generals are a grave danger to this nation and the worst examples of 'politicians' ever imagined or produced. Kelly and Flynn are, in the words of Shakespeare "Honorable men, so are they all, all honorable men" The Brutuses and Cassiuses of today.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Trump's Lawyers say Trump cannot be interviewed by Mueller.
It's not just that Trump is a Traitor and under Putin's influence, or even Putin's control; it is that both Trump AND his lawyers know they are no match for Mueller and his team. Trump NEEDS Protection, he said, and of course it's one time he wasn't lying. But there is nothing that can protect him now. He hired the Russian co-conspirators, Papadopoulos, Carter Page, Manafort, Gates, Tillerson, and Sessions who will all go to jail for conspiring to interfere in the internal affairs of the United States, particularly, but not limited to, the 2016 U.S. election. That action makes the entire election of the House of Representatives and 1/3rd if the Senators, along with Trump and Pence, null and void. That implies the House cannot impeach the President, because it is an illegal body and the President is an illegal President, by his own actions. Mueller must therefore indict the illegitimate President and his co-conspirators and try them before a jury. The people of the United States must hold a complete new election, from the preliminaries on up to fix the current state of affairs. And then, punish Russia.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
FAcebook responses v. Trump and the 'memo'.
The real FBI question is why Flynn and Manafort were not under FISA investigation. They admitted they had been secret agents for foreign nations. And they registered as such only after the FBI told them to. Didn't the FBI look at them? Even after Sally yates told the White House Flynn was a spy they didn't wire tap him. They let him get 18 more days of intelligence to pass on to the Russians.They didn't wire tap Sessions but caught him talking to the Russian Ambassador because the Russian was wire tapped. Why wasn't the traitor Sessions wire tapped? Did Trump interfere with the FBI to keep them from investigating? And how did 5 Russian agents get into Trump Towers without the FBI knowing about it? The FBI is obviously a Republican biased, Trump biased organization. Lock 'em up! [I'm allowed to combat conspiracy theories with my own.]
The entire election of 2016 is invalid, null-and-void. The Russians and Trumps illegally influenced the election. We need an entirely new election, starting with the primaries. Remember Flynn and Papadopoulos pled guilty to lying about their interactions with Russian agents and Manafort and Gates are indicted for money laundering with and for Russians. Treason abounds here. The election needs a re-do.
Nunes memo proves Carter page was a Russian spy. Manafort was a Russian spy. Flynn was a Russian spy. Sessions is a Russian spy. Tillerson holds a Medal of Honor from Russia. How did they all get on the Trump campaign team? Putin told the Russian spy, Donald Trump, to put these men to work. And Trump has.
The entire election of 2016 is invalid, null-and-void. The Russians and Trumps illegally influenced the election. We need an entirely new election, starting with the primaries. Remember Flynn and Papadopoulos pled guilty to lying about their interactions with Russian agents and Manafort and Gates are indicted for money laundering with and for Russians. Treason abounds here. The election needs a re-do.
Nunes memo proves Carter page was a Russian spy. Manafort was a Russian spy. Flynn was a Russian spy. Sessions is a Russian spy. Tillerson holds a Medal of Honor from Russia. How did they all get on the Trump campaign team? Putin told the Russian spy, Donald Trump, to put these men to work. And Trump has.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
More Trump treason: assuming the powers of Congress.
Trump is obviously a traitor, having conspired with Russia/Putin to interfere in the 2016 election. Now he chooses to add violating his oath of office by not enforcing the sanction law he signed into law.
By not carrying out the will of Congress, but imposing his will over that of Congress he has usurped the powers of the Congress. In doing so he has assumed dictatorial powers over all of us. The rule of law is gone and the Rule of Trump has been imposed on Congress.
He cannot be impeached for these treasonous acts because the election was illegally interfered with making all those elected in 2016 illegally elected and therefore not valid House or senate members. Since the election is null and void there is no legal House of Representatives so it cannot impeach Trump. Mueller must indict Trump and have a court try him.
By not carrying out the will of Congress, but imposing his will over that of Congress he has usurped the powers of the Congress. In doing so he has assumed dictatorial powers over all of us. The rule of law is gone and the Rule of Trump has been imposed on Congress.
He cannot be impeached for these treasonous acts because the election was illegally interfered with making all those elected in 2016 illegally elected and therefore not valid House or senate members. Since the election is null and void there is no legal House of Representatives so it cannot impeach Trump. Mueller must indict Trump and have a court try him.
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Putin shut down Americas government, via Trump.
Trump is serving Putin. Putin wants America in chaos and disgruntled about its government, its FAILED government. Trump lied to the Senate Democrats, twice, that they had a deal. Then he said, NO DEAL. Putin is guiding him and has been, for years. We are doomed until we start reading and making our own decisions about what is true. The propagandists have 1/3 of the nation before they start. Putin is going to win because our representatives are so easy to buy and influence. Turn America over, its done.
Saturday, January 20, 2018
We are all, now, Putin puppets
Why is it no one sees that Putin ordered the Government shutdown? Why is it that this nation of non-science (non-sense) and conspiracy theories doesn't see Russia's hand in all that Trump, and his supporters, do?
Friday, January 19, 2018
McConnell, Trump, and the Government shutdown
McConnell shut the Government down on Obama and now he's shutting it down on Trump. He won't let the Senate vote on a clean DACA bill. Trump doesn't even know what that means. But in a way McConnell is right to shut down the government until Trump can say what he wants. Trump said he would go along with a bipartisan bill. The Senate sent a bipartisan bill to Trump and he said he would never sign it because it wasn't the bill he wanted. Trump's really getting carried with his lies, he's now lying to himself. Now, that really is crazy!!
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Treason Continues: Why Trump didn't fire Flynn and then Tillerson: Cry Havoc
The Secretary of State of the United State, Tillerson, called President Trump "A fucking moron." several months ago. Why hasn't Trump fired him? Why hasn't this egotistical paranoid schizophrenic maianic not fired Tillerson? For the same reason Trump didn't fire Flynn for 18 days after Flynn's treason was uncovered: PUTIN won't let Trump fire Tillerson (Tillerson is a "Hero of the Russian People"). We all recognize the Obedience Trump has to Putin and that recognized obedience is TREASON. Putin, through the traitors Trump and Tillerson has destroyed our state department, our trust from Allies, from the world, our rule of law (Trump says "Defend me." not "Defend the constitution", another TREASON). Now the whole Republican party is fighting to keep the Treason going, fighting to aide and abet Russia against the United States.
It's all plain, all visible, and all TREASON. Cry havoc in the streets.
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