Monday, December 18, 2023

When self-preervation kills preservation of the species..

 Since money became more valuable than people, civilization has changed. Competition means "get a monopoly, with 80% markups." More money, better cars, better education, less competition, more bribes, more power, less morality, less wonder.

Once we thought the dinosaurs died off because they got too big, that their once superior attribute became a species killing negaive attribute. I thought the same had happened to man: our struggle for control over the environment, and thus our survival, became a negative. And it has. And the rich and powerful money and power controling people will not give up the power and the glory they have fought hard and long to accomplish. Size may not have killed the dinosaurs. Greed, self-interest, and narrow vision and indifference to and for tommorrow will kill homo sapiens. Just ask them, they, and we, know it will.

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