Saturday, December 30, 2023

The Bribed Supreme Court of the United States, micro version.

It's a real tough question of law:

Should the Supreme Court of the United States uphold the Constitution? 

Nah, we'll let a dictator fool take over the Supreme Court more than he did in his last Presidency.  And they won't uphold the Constitution. They won't uphold America.  They've joined the bread line outside the billionaire's doors. It took a long time, but bribery works, especially on greedy, lawless, angry, small, Justices of the Supreme Court of America. They are taking the bribes, imagine. Boy, do I love corruption. I should move to Washington.

Friday, December 22, 2023

The Supreme Court and Insurrection.

 If the Supreme Court does not apply the straight forward mandate of the Constitution and keep traitors from office they become complicit in defeating their purpose for existing: applying the facts and the law to protect and defend the Constitution and the people of The United States.

The LAW! Not your hopes and wishes. Thousands and thousands of soldiers have died to make sure the votes count. And the legal community, the courts must protect and defend the votes and the voters. The LAW gives limits that are easily understood but often abused in many ways. If the Supreme Court, comprised of competent lawyers, competent Citizens, find ways to avoid protecting the democracy from those who would destroy it then the country should die, and start again. I believe all men are created equal and should be strong enough to be justice by following justice, history, and not idiology or preference. Uphold the LAW. Protect the ban on Insurectionists from the tool box of American politics. Don't make the people defend themselves from insurection. It ends in war. Enforce the obvious law that our forefathers have given us: Insurection is not a valid path to power and glory in the United States. It does not lead to a "more perfect Nation". The Court must rule to preserve the Rule of Law over the Rule of men, or of a single man.

Monday, December 18, 2023

When self-preervation kills preservation of the species..

 Since money became more valuable than people, civilization has changed. Competition means "get a monopoly, with 80% markups." More money, better cars, better education, less competition, more bribes, more power, less morality, less wonder.

Once we thought the dinosaurs died off because they got too big, that their once superior attribute became a species killing negaive attribute. I thought the same had happened to man: our struggle for control over the environment, and thus our survival, became a negative. And it has. And the rich and powerful money and power controling people will not give up the power and the glory they have fought hard and long to accomplish. Size may not have killed the dinosaurs. Greed, self-interest, and narrow vision and indifference to and for tommorrow will kill homo sapiens. Just ask them, they, and we, know it will.

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Republicans threw their Congressman from Long Island out of the house...

 This was a lazy mildly crooked young man. And they kicked him out of Congress and that probably means the party too.

Trump is a civilly convicted rapist, has 91 charged felonies, and planned to take over the U.S. government by force. (See the Smith Act) No one is talking about the comparison and lack of courage, honesty, and commitment to truth, justice, and equality before the law that Trump swears he will destroy when he's elected - not if. The Republicans want him to take over the treasury again, and this time also the DOJ and the ARMY. I'm scared . Maybe it's time to do a Washington and Jefferson and dig up the guns... really like Lincoln, I guess. It is sickening...

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Anti-Semitism, Anti-people, Anti-American

I cannot seriously entertain 'hatred' of a nationality, a people, a group or nation who has common aspirations that I adamantly oppose. Voltaire and Jefferson are in my bones: "I vigorously disagree with everything you say. But I defend to the death your right to say it." But hating anybody is foolish and non-productive. And letting people holler "fire" on the streets is even more dangerous than letting them do so in a theatre. Our morals are gone, our civility is gone, we are bullies with money and power and we are dying as a nation. Back to the jungle seems to be our aspiration.  

Education is shot. The government is where the moneyed stupid go to retire. Wall Street and Hollywood pass out money to control the aspirations of the nation while our schools, government, and churches fail to reach us with any worthy aspiration. We have to grow up or watch the American Experiment die a cowards death. 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Our Corrupt Government

 Warn the world! Guns kill people. Death and destruction of the United States is an aim shared by many angry, isolated, uneducated, poor people. But not by all of us.

All men are created equal, in potential. Accomplishment, not so much. What trains politicians to be so adept at taking and giving bribes of all kinds? Never thought I'd live to see Supreme Court Justices taking bribes. Or the leader of the Senate - remember the Russian Aluminium Factory in Kentucky, thanks to Mitch McConnell? Or see 120 House Representatives sign on as Amicus supporters for canceling the votes of the people. But, of course, that was after the Supreme Court, castrated the 1965 voting rights bill.

Why doesn't the DOJ charge the bribers as well as the bribe takers, when they even bother to do that. The people who make the rules... RULE. Quote of my father.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Trump Inc. has been found guilty of fraud, lying to the banks,insurance companies.

Can the Democrats say, "Trump has raped women and had to pay $5 million because he did." Then say: "Don't vote for a rapist. Protect your wife and daughters from raping Republicans named Trump. Or, Trump is a lying thief who has been proven to be a lying thief in the NY civil suit against him, Trump. Trump says "It is a witch hunt. But it isn't. He has been declared guilty as charged, lying dog, and the case is now trying how much Trump is going to have to pay the Banks and Government that he cheated by being the lying dog he has been all his life.  

Don't vote for the lying dog thief, Donald Trump. 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Trump's Philosophy

 Trump is selling "get even" to the American people: get even for your children not being in the top of their class. Get even for you not making ten times the money you're worth. Get even for paying 30% taxes. Get even for not knowing how everything works, especially politics and the economy. Get even for having to die. And the villain of it all is "Your Government." It's failed to give you superiority and longevity. So vote for Trump and he'll take better advantage of you than life without him. Trump's message is simple: You have been a chump. You are primed to be taken advantage of. The world has led you around like a puppy. You go to failed schools, get poverty jobs, barely know how to survive, let alone prosper. Follow Trump! Trump learned how to use papa's money to rob, lie, cheat, get to be president of the United States by telling you having a King is better than democracy, especially if he can steal all the money in the tax pool. 91 documented crimes against the people and you think he is a 'savior. He's not.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Netanyahu is just a power seeker who grabs it when he can.

 Netanyahu is not a complicated man. Just another seaker after absolute power and year by year gotten more and more. One would think it was a plan. I sure do. My judgement against what Jefferson called mararcists, and I call nazis, is hash but open. Politicians rarely overcome their nature: I should rule: I am smarter, braver, and more cunning than those competing with me. So they do end up ruling. They get into power. Then rebellion comes. Another do gooder gets into Power. Power corrupts him. New rebellion is needed. Imagine mankind...

Friday, September 22, 2023

Trump is holloring "FIRE" and there is no fire

 "Fire, Fire!" Donald Trump is holloring fire.  Not in a movie theatre but everywhere. "Fire, everybody but me is a crook. They stole my presidency. The DOJ is Bidens criminal organization.  The Constitution should be torn up."

It's illegal on its face. Quit treating this guy with kid gloves. Say he is trying to destroy America and that he can't bully people into joining him in doing so.  Not all speech is free.  You can check with Charles Manson on that issue.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Making AI "safe"

Getting AI safe is such a joke.  We haven't made the inventors of AI, we the people, a safe, moral, mature society in the last 10k years of civilization. But now we are going to make it safe from algorithms we have written to make the authors rich and powerful 'safe, moral, humane, progressive': SAFE HUMAN Beings without greed, power seeking, HUMAN drives. This is just about getting to be fun, watching man writing his mirror on immorality and power hunger without realizing that is what he is doing.

Morality, self-consciousness, politics and economics have evolved from our being able "to change our mind". To question our opinions. To realize we don't have to  jump to perform the first guess solution to a problem or a question. We consciously question ourselves because we have found ourselves 'flawed and fallible' and have been trying to fix that by passing laws and fighting wars to protect the powerful, and ourselves.

All animals have not been created equally...-in information processing, life span, child production, physical and character strength. The idea of political equality is equal opportunity to determine how to raise our personal survival potential and reproductive potential. 


There are contradictions all over science and humanity.  But we can change our minds.  That is what makes responsibility.

To be safe from AI we need the 3 laws of Asimov's Robotics and a conscience written into all AI programs designed to guide man's actions toward the improvement and advancement of his biological fitness.  And once we find the rules for keeping AI safe we need to apply them to our genes, also. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Trump, the Rapist, running as the Republican canditate for President

 Donald Trump is the leading Republican candidate for President of the United States; and, he is a person who has been found guilty of raping a woman and having to pay her $5,000,000 - 5 million dollars. So Donald Trump, a convicted civil rapist, is who the republican Party supports. I can not support a man who has raped at least one woman. I cannot understand how a woman could vote for someone who has been found, by a jury of his peers, to be a molester of women. Trump is a proven degenerate. Voting for a proven degenerate should make you question your personal morals. Are there any non-woman molesters that the Republican Party should ask you to vote for? I guess they believe most people of America have no morals any longer, or if they do have morals they should ignore their personal morals and vote for a rapist, because he is a Republican rapist, I guess. I cannot do so, and I am far from a saint or bible tumbing moralist. Just an every day guy who doesn't understand raping women as a supporting factor for our a rapist, for voting for someone who may end up a degenerate rapist running my country,

I respectfully ask my fellow Americans to not make a proven rapist the most powerful individual in our country. Don't vote for Trump. I don't try and convince myself, and others, that a rapist can possibley be an honorable American President sworn to enforce our laws. Being a Rapist means I can't vote for you. And,I want the Department of Justice to put you, Donald Trump, in jail for being a Rapist. 

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Supreme Cout Justices have taken bribes and should be charged with doing so.

The Supre Court members have accepted a Texas Billionaire's bribes. They have sold justice and decency for a 'few dollars more'. The Keating 5 Senators, in my lifetime, took bribes from Keating. When Keating was asked if he expected special treatment from the Senators he bribed he replied something to the effect of "I certainly hoped so." These Gangsters, tramps and thieves of America assume superiority of character over all of us and they are always planning crooked ways of using the power we give them.
Now the Supreme Court Republicans have turned out to be the Crooks, taking bribes for favorable money opinions. It's always a question of character and the bribers and bribe takers show their love of money and power are more important than justice, freedom, and people. Damn them. Charge them. Find them guilty of accepting bribes and put them in jail. They have put 2,000,000 Americans in jail for minor and serious crimes. NO ONE IS ABOVE the LAW. They just believe they should be. You know, "They are SPECIAL" We are slaves, to be guided, worked to death with uneducated children, old cars, poor diets. Ban bribes,bribers, and bribe takers in our Government. The DOJ is failing us again, or still.

Don't let them sell our justice for a few pieces of silver. Jail the Bribed and bribers! Save equality before the law. Supreme Court Justices should not be held to a different standard of justice. Slam the jail cell doors in their corrupt faces. 

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Easter 2023 - Reply to NY Times Article

Kathern Hepburn  told Hukphrey Bogart, in The African Queen, 'Nature is what we were put here on Earth to overcome.'  And the conflict or contrast of Foreful rebellion against the conquering army and country of Rome, compared with Christ's message of peace and reward in Heaven gave Barabas an advantage in the people's valuation of their prospects. But neither position was a solution to the needs of the society and people of Isreal. Neither peace nor war would give them control over their own lives and the absurdity of life was once again front and center in morality and politics.  The will to power, in Nietzsche's view, was power over your own morals, your personal evaluations, the power to chose against the Church and against the state. To chose man for man's sake and to end the dictates of both religion and politics and decide to end man's inhumanities to man and work for the common good of mankind. 

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

The Republicans and American Oligarchs have gone too far into that good night of arming the slaughtering of our children.

 The ruling philosophy has changed to "Money is more valuable than people" and the Republicans have taken too much from the gun manufacturers and the other American Oligarchs to give up the fruits of their inhumanity for our children. I curse them, all, and pray that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much explain, too much find nothing but bitterness and nihilistic contempt. The sick poisoned dogs are eating their children, and don't think anything is wrong with it. I so much want to call a just and murder filled, revenge filled, war. They have just about taken MY humanity away.

Friday, March 17, 2023

The lost souls: Trump and Desantis, followers of fools, not leaders of Mankind, seeing themselves inept.

 And well they should: they both degrade the humanity of America, the strength of America, the Humanity of America. In my youth, we would have simply taken their lunch money and laughed at them. Now, that they are bought and paid for by the American Oligarchs we can only laugh at them for being poor representatives of no progress and dictators for everyone. They are pathetic, incompetent, non-leaders of anything. They are both irrational, small, and ugly people who long to rule the rest of us, especially the 'us' that know how pathetic and inept they both are. Good Republicans and hateful, lost, Americans.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

We can't Regress to Monarchist claims of Superiority and preparedness to rule.

The Republican philosophy and objective has regressed to what Jefferson called "Monarchists".  They are the superior citizens of the land and should rule us, either by devine right or by the fact of their being brighter, wealthier, better educated, the Rightful Rulers of the Land, and the people.

They are pathetic, unhistorical, unscientific, self-centered, know nothings, do nothings, who think they should have the power to decide the future of us, 330 million U.S. Citizens!!

That shows their smallness, arrogance, and total ineptness to have or handle any power over anyone.  We must bind together and make our common goals of law, order, humanity,  trust in each other, faith in each other, and understanding that we bend our knees to nothing known or unknown but to mutual commitment to purse our promises to our children for them to have communion of spirit, willingness to work and work together for the betterment of all of us. Jefferson helped remove the monarchist's "knee from our necks" and put a way to a more perfect Union in our hearts. Don't support those who try to tell you how to live. Support those who try to live honorably with you, with us, Americans all, and none inferior in any way.