Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Norman Lear, creator of Archey Bunker turned a hundred...

 Norman Lear is a funny, ha-ha, man who creates humor because he sees the horror and absurdity of life. He knows that the absurdity and horror is only the beginning of the story. We are sent into the world of politics and spurred to "make a more perfect Union", a more perfect world, a world where man's inhumanities to man are done and over. Comedy is the best teacher of life, love, futility, and aspirations. The saving grace of mankind is the ability to laugh at ourselves. Too many of our 'leaders' can't laugh at themselves, their way of life, their personal philosophies. These are the "I am Great" people; the 'follow me people, the actual "Lost and hollow, Beat and angry" people and not the ones who expose it to themselves or the world. When you can't laugh at the "Human Condition" you can't begin to fix it. You can deny it's existence and its 'horror and absurdity', You end preaching against it, fighting for power and glory and command over others. See Alexander, Caesar, the Kings and Emperors and Dictators of history. We don't pictures of them laughing, dancing, singing in the rain. We see them killing us, taking our life's work, taking our lives and the lives of our loved one's. They take away the Comedy of life by being the tragedy of life. We need to bless men like Norman Lear. Live, love, laugh, and be happy - and stand against stupidity, greed, power hungry, money grubbing, selfish, small, ideas and people. I'm getting off my soup box.

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