Monday, November 7, 2022

Vote for freedom, vote for democracy.

 Why are we presenting 'logical, reasonable, arguments', against liars and would-be dictators? Because we aren't very well tuned on winning when it is necessary to win. Damn the optics of putting Trump in jail. The Republicans, the Republican Senators, voted Trump innocent of the most egregious law breaking by any human being holding great power in history! The Republican Senate said it was ok for a pathologic liar to fool the people , recruit armed killers to spread his fear mongering, etc. The Republican Senate said Trump was right to try to overthrow the American republic and Constitution. Nobody is saying this but the Republicans are planning a major take over of the American Treasury, by taking over the legislature, and making slaves, puppets, and frightened cowards of us all. You can vote them out but you need to look deeply into their conspiracy of power for more power over the weak, and keep being weak or be strong and stop the Republican destruction of " All Men are Created equal". They are special, have more money, more financial slaves, more poverty stricken servants trying to survive at the 'masters table'. Crawl for your daily bread or fight for it. Without courage there will be no surviving. Be brave enough to vote against new slavery. Vote democratic and anti-servitude and hopelessness ever after!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Science works and helps create progress.

Many people believe science is too highly praised and may not be what it's cut out to be. I only replay with saying the cars, planes, cities, electricity, supermarkets, health care, phones, television, computers, etc. etc., ALL WORK. We may use them to maintain man's inhumanities to man, but the science is there, behind the engineering, design, and applications. We bring energy, as electricity and natural gas into our homes so we can have the light, the television, the refrigeration, the water heater, all the 'comforts of home'. Most of us have faced science classes and learned the works that science and scientists have done. It's a great story, a large piece of our history, and will support our species in its struggle to live peacefully, helping life and living become safer, more rewarding, for all of us.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Response to "Counter Culture"

 Is 'Counter Culture' really counter 'Nature'?

Talent, in any field, should be acknowledged. But it should not be used to protect, separate, excuse, any accompanying arrogance, external assistance in fields not tied to the talented specialty. A good dancer should not be excused from trying to make a sexual partner from dancing partners, etc. Power should not be an aphrodisiac, but it obviously is. Too often 'Caesars end up in Cleopatra's bed', and vice versa. "Nature will out." People date fellow workers because they meet hem, a work, and fall in love. Cancel that and you will be canceling NATURE. I think much of our nature should be "overcome". We are children of successfully mating ancestors. Their genes got to us by 'any means genes get to us!'. Trying to combat that leads to the Freudian repression syndromes that push lust love and lust into the same bedroom, same personalities, and lead to syndromes of paranoia and schizophrenia. It's not new. The birds do it, the bees do it.. etc.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Republicans crying out Crime while Causing most of it.

 The real crime in America was 800,000 extra dead because the Republicans, like DR. OZ supported Trump in not fighting the spread of COVID. The blind led the blind over the cliff of not wearing masks, of not gathering in crowds. Of not understanding what a virus and an epidemic were, and are.

And every gun in every killers hand was put there by the Republican laws starting with Reagan and ending with Trump. And the crime of starting the Iraq war and mid East wars on the LIE of "Weapons of mass destruction". Our honored dead died without just cause. Trillions of dollars in 20 years of war and turning "moral America" into Republican run CIA torture all over the world.
There's some crime for you. And how about attacking the seat of Legislative Government on January 6th 2020 attack in Washington to try and steal an election because the Republicans "crazy" was just too much to swallow anymore; and we turned the crazy Republicans away from power. They killed 5 people and gathered trained killers into a mob and told them to "Kill Spence" ONE OF THEM, because he wasn't "Crazy as they were, only just a 'little crazy'.
Now they want your vote to STOP CRIME. Stop the crazy in our Government. Quit voting for the immoral, mentally confused, raw uneducated, angry lying haters of Freemen and free women.
Vote against the mentally ill Gun Supporting, bible Thumping, frightening Republicans and for the problem solving, law passing, fighters for independent judgement based on science, orality, and hope for the future. VOTE DEMOCRATIC, be DEMOCRATIC, stop the idiocy and quit voting for idiots.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Why we should all vote Democratic

This Republican clan with its raw uneducated degenerates threaten the very name of democracy. They declared Trump not guilty of his crimes in two impeachments declaring themselves unbound from truth, unfriendly to justice, and indifferent to honor. They have degraded us as a nation, laughed at any and all of our culture, declared us the cheaters of elections and only they did the cheating. Do not seek revenge against these lost and incompetent people, but do not lower your expectations of your Representatives in Congress, in the executive, and in the Courts. You see them failing you and stay loyal to them for the love of loyalty but with distaste for their unjust, disturbed, radical, power lusting. There is no replacement for dishonesty, for contempt of the people, and the indefensible egos of this Republican Clan. Vote them out. Change your loyalty to a party, now turned Clan, and support dignity, honor, and truth. Vote against the unworthy that you know are unworthy. Vote for saving democracy and our future. Vote Democratic, at least this once when we need you and your help in disavowing loyalty to those who don't deserve it, and don't give it back. 

Vote Democratic in November 2022

The coming election: Looks like :
Democrats are for votes determining who our Representatives will be;
Republicans are for ignoring votes - because of cheating (?!) - and appointing our Representatives for us, in the back rooms of "Country Clubs", CEO meetings of Energy Companies and Wall Street Banks..
Republicans claim vote cheating has occurred (but failed to prove it in any Court, not one.) and suggest vote cheating is now permitted only for Republicans, that they can cheat and just appoint winners. They advocate stopping Cheating by - get this - Cheating themselves. Sounds like the Republican Oligarchs are angry for selecting weak, poorly educated, candidates for office and just want to appoint them directly, for "US" (and certainly not to benefit THEM, nice guys that they pretend to be).
Vote Democratic. Make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure the cheats don't get away with cheating. Or even trying to cheat.
Stand for Jefferson and Madison - you know, the guys that have all the streets named after them all over the Country - not Trump and other untrustworthy and self-serving Republicans who have bent their knees and kissed Trump's -- ah, ah, - ring,.


Monday, September 5, 2022

 The Republican Party is what we called the 'Lunatic fringe'. The Tea Party got traction and the self-pitying, "unemployed or underemployed", that is the raw uneducated of the country, along with the unchristian religious Americans, the haters and fearful, the lost and hollow, the Republicans, found solace in the liars, tramps and thieves: Evangelical tramps and thieves. This is not a political situation: it is a governing situation! The Republicans did not publish very many "Budgets" in the years they occupied the majorities. They just sole all they could. Trump stole more. Now he's selling the secrets he stole when he left office. (50 some folders empty of their secrets: sold or given to be used against America! Not MAGA Republicans: liars, tramps and thieves.  Women have lost their freedom, Trump has pardoned murderers, traitors, and many rich people and  got paid for it.  Twice the Republican Senate said the lying, stealing, totally immoral and illegal actions Trump pulled off were not criminal and did not deserve stopping him from destroying the Nation.  Now they want your votes, so the destruction of the Nation can continue. WE are under threat of Religious bible-thumpers who think  Trump is next to God while he  is just a dumber Hitler, Lenin who took over their countries. If he wasn't so dumb he would have succeeded on Jan. 6th.  Vote Democratic or kiss your future, your children's future and all America, good-bye. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

FREEDOM! Actual Democracy!

 his is all true. But, it is only the beginning of the story. What can we, what should we, do about the lying dogs who take our freedom and deny us opportunities that they demand for themselves? Anarchy is not governing! it is revolting, without vision of anything better than revolting! We should demand that our voices be heard, that I hopes be understood, that our value is to have equal value to the rich. We must revolt to make us, you and me and our childre, the legislature of our future: we should vote, vote directly on the laws under which we live; vote for the Executives that enforce the law - equally- for all people,; and vote directly for the Judges, so the Judgges answer to the people. The People must vote for the laws, the Executive, and the judiciary: nothing else is Democracy, freedom, and equality. And, by the way, the Current Republican party and Trump, are anti-human, anti-religion, pro dictatorship. They want us to sign on to having complete ass-holes as our dictators!! How dumb are they? How dumb do gthey think 'their people' are? One might be influenced into thinking one person could guide us better than the current 538. But if that one person is a liar, fool, and thief it won't turn ou too good!! To hell with Trump! To hell with his flunkies. Vote Democratic and hen demand they give up the power to rule us and accept being servants of the people.

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Monday, August 29, 2022

Republicans say there will be trouble in the streets if Trump goes to jail. We should oppose them in the voting booth.

When Trump was going through the stolen crown jewel documents of America, he was not trying to understand what he had. He was trying to fulfill an order. Someone ordered a copy of a specific document and Trump was trying to find it so he could get the money. That's the only thing Trump understands. That people will die from this is a given. The only question is America strong enough to honor its laws and philosophy. Every soldier who ever died in defense of the Constitution is looking down and begging for someone to stand up like he did. We fought and won over King George, over the slave owner traitors who seceded and tried to kill America, we won against the Kaiser, Hitler, Mussolini, etc. We NEED to stand against the would be dictators of America: 169 of them in the House of Representatives supported Trump in trying to steal the Election. Trump is selling information that will get our Agents, soldiers, and citizens killed and the Republicans arresting him wil cause riots in the streets. If they can't stand for America we will sand for ourselves and change the Constitution so the people will vote on the laws, vote on the Executives, vote for Judges, have a real democracy. We have 10,000 years of evidence that Representative government ends up bought and paid for by the rich and greedy and the people get death and destruction. Vote Democratic, Stop the stupidity and greed. Be a 'Citizen of the United States of America" and sand up for our 'honored dead' have died for: truth, justice, equality before the law. 

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Trump Stole our Secrets. Try the thief for stealing them.

 Trump stole our top secret documents when he left the White House. Isn't that the end of the discussion? He stole our secrets.

Anyone else who got caught stealing our secrets went to jail. Trump should go to jail for stealing our secrets. He stole from his father, from his family, from his workers, from students in his 'university' and now he's stolen our top secret secrets.
I haven't mentioned 'motive' because it doesn't matter. He's a thief with the cookies from the jar still in his hand! The facts of the crime are well known and obvious proof of his being the thief in thief's clothing who stole America's secrets. nd there can be only ONE motive for the thief Donald Trump to steal anything: benefit Trump by selling or making non-monetary deals with the 'buyers'.
The Republican's, with total immorality and toal illegality their personal ambition, say it's ok Trump is a thief nd stole our secrets. Which makes them accomplices and I would advocate throwing any elected official in our Federal Government who supports and defends stealing from he United states as a proper action. They are deficit in loyalty to the Constitution and the laws.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Norman Lear, creator of Archey Bunker turned a hundred...

 Norman Lear is a funny, ha-ha, man who creates humor because he sees the horror and absurdity of life. He knows that the absurdity and horror is only the beginning of the story. We are sent into the world of politics and spurred to "make a more perfect Union", a more perfect world, a world where man's inhumanities to man are done and over. Comedy is the best teacher of life, love, futility, and aspirations. The saving grace of mankind is the ability to laugh at ourselves. Too many of our 'leaders' can't laugh at themselves, their way of life, their personal philosophies. These are the "I am Great" people; the 'follow me people, the actual "Lost and hollow, Beat and angry" people and not the ones who expose it to themselves or the world. When you can't laugh at the "Human Condition" you can't begin to fix it. You can deny it's existence and its 'horror and absurdity', You end preaching against it, fighting for power and glory and command over others. See Alexander, Caesar, the Kings and Emperors and Dictators of history. We don't pictures of them laughing, dancing, singing in the rain. We see them killing us, taking our life's work, taking our lives and the lives of our loved one's. They take away the Comedy of life by being the tragedy of life. We need to bless men like Norman Lear. Live, love, laugh, and be happy - and stand against stupidity, greed, power hungry, money grubbing, selfish, small, ideas and people. I'm getting off my soup box.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Not Indicting Trump and not going to war: More American failures

 As soon as Trump lost the presidebcy the DOJ should have gone to the House of Representatives and opened Mueller's repot and indicted Trump on the irrefutable evidence of the two impeachments and the 10 obstruction of Justice charges Mueller's second volume laid out. the DOJ didn't bring the charges. Still haven't brought them, why? Too many 'higher-ups' colluded with TRUMP and the Republicans and they would have to lock up many f their own "honorable men".

Bush had his own "Putin war" war without justification: I'm still waiting for the weapons of mass-destruction to be found. Then there's the 8th amendment problem: "no cruel and unusual punishment": like torturing people and keeping them with charges brought for 20 years. I can't believe the United States Government tortured people in my name. So there are people above the law: the liars, cheats and thieves that buy our votes, our lone power, and use them against us. Generation of vipers, un-educators, and horror show doesn't end. While I'm at it: America, the U.S.A. has been preparing to fight Russia for 77 years. (See the ten nuclear powered aircraft carriers ) and Putin called the war and we didn't go. We've paid 300 million to 700 million over each of the last 20-30 years to the military and the war starts and we don't fight. Wonder why I want to move to a civilized nation.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Weak, pathetic, lost politicians...

 Too old is not a good, or decent, reason to assert Biden unfit. Too afraid, too diplomatic, too weak, are excellent reasons for him to step aside in the 2024 elections. He was perfect for defeating the lying, raw, uneducated, fool of Trump and Trumpism. But the next President doesn't only have to defeat pathetic 600 word vocabulary pathological liar Trump but he has to defeat liars, cheats, and thieves, of great strength, cunning, who have a determination to keep the poor poor and the rich richer. The Republicans, since Herbart Hoover - President of the tragic depression, and Nixon, Watergate lying mastermind, and Reagan, "I don't recall' selling the Constitution down the drain" along with Bush, "There are weapons of mass destruction": lies, and subsequent American deaths, death by lies and mental short-comings, until Trump, pathologic liar, third grade goon, paid people off to not show he failed every class in college, and tried to cover up his lack of ability by any and all means , gave us a supreme Court that committed suicide in public - you can't make this foolish, governmental incompetence up.

The republicans are fools and the Democrats are afraid of fools. Kiss your loved one's goodbye, neither you nor they are strong enough to push back on Republican fools and 'would be kings'. The would be kings are pathetic but not as pathetic as those who stand aside so they can return to slavery, poverty, and failed education. We're done, turn us over.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

'A Nation (more) at Risk'

 "A Nation at Risk" concluded:

"The Commission found that not enough of the academically able students are being attracted to teaching; that teacher preparation programs need substantial improvement; that the professional working life of teachers is on the whole unacceptable; and that a serious shortage of teachers exists in key fields.
􀁸 Too many teachers are being drawn from the bottom quarter of graduating high school and college students.
􀁸 The teacher preparation curriculum is weighted heavily with courses in
"educational methods" at the expense of courses in subjects to be taught. A
survey of 1,350 institutions training teachers indicated that 41 percent of the time of elementary school teacher candidates is spent in education courses, which reduces the amount of time available for subject matter courses."

But we must understand: "Poorly educated billionaires choose 70% of our governing politicians and these 'American Oligarchs' have destroyed America while guaranteeing they get richer and the poor get children.

Americans have lost faith in their government because the government is run by stupid people stealing all the tax dollars and getting 10 cents on a dollar worth of return on our tax dollars. The Republicans are especially guilty of this. Our Congresses, state and Federal, are comprised of lawyers who couldn't get jobs in Firms or Industries. We have less than 10% of our high school students learning any physics. And it's only the basis to how everything works.

We have lost faith in our government because it lies, cheats, and steals everything not tied down. Raw uneducated, conceited fools and the fault lies with us. We spend 20 minutes a year picking our governing bodies. You can turn America over, it's done.

Monday, July 4, 2022

Democrats, especiall Att. General Garland are too weak..

 Garland is an obvious coward: the impeachment evidence against Trump is perfect proof Trump is a traitor. Garland refuses to put it before a Grand Jury. The Mueller report evidence against Trump is incontrovertible: Garland won't put it in front of a grand jury. WHY? Coward, puppet of Republicans, or fool: take your pick. I say he is totally unfit for the tough job of protecting American Justice and the Department of Justice. He's worried about losing more then concerned about saving America from Lying, cheating, power grabbing fools. As a result, his personal evaluation of his duty leads us to authoritarian government, Trump or Republican's taking complete control of American law, and morals, or simple dictatorship. All of which could be stopped by one indictment, one trial, and win or loose consequences, doing his duty. He is unfit because he is too self conscious about "his position in history". Coward or fool doesn't matter: America cannot survive his inaction. Indict Trump or give up freedom! And he won't, because of who he is, indict Trump. And Biden is not strong enough to tell him to indict. Kiss America good bye! No weapons of mass destruction, no impeachment of Trump, and subsequently, no indictment of Trump. American democracy and rule of law has failed and you can sing "Hail to the King" because of the cowards who we have elected. They aren't big enough, tough enough, smart enough, strong enough to do the right thing for the Government of the People, for the People and by the People. So it will perish from this Earth. Pity. It could have been so good if they had been good enough. They simply aren't.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Supreme Court Surrenders it's basis of Authority. It's become a group of Bible Thumping dictators.

 The Supreme Court, and it's internal majority of lunatic fringe Republicans, has taken away the right of women to control their own bodies, their own lives. We must now ignore all the Supreme court decisions. They are not answerable to us. We should no longer be answerable to them. Jefferson was right: the Constitutional Article 3 Judges are not answerable to the people, to the Executive, or to the Legislature. Now they have become wild religious supporters and against Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and take away rights from the people for the 'benefit' of bible thumpers they have betrayed the Constitution and the people. Since they are no longer protecting the law they have become rulers and given up being public servants. Ignore the Supreme Court rulings. They cannot enforce them: they have no police force, no army, nothing but their words and their words say you are slaves again, as they said in Dred Scott (~1850) decision that gave us the Civil War.

We need an Actual Democracy: the people must become the legislature and vote directly on the laws they live under. We must vote directly for the President and do away with the Electoral College. We must vote directly for judges making them answerable to the people. See, advocating for Actual Democracy since 2014.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

 If the Biden administration was interested in indicting Trump they would have taken the two impeachment transcripts from the House and put them in front of a grand jury, period.

They are obviously afraid of "backlash" from the public, where they could be seen as using the law against political opponents. I am more afraid of my nation being afraid of defending my nation from those who would be king, for our good, and their greater good, and to get their hands on the treasury, the education of our children, the army, the full faith and credit of the United states. It's more important to stop would be kings and dictators than to believe "I'll look bad trying to save America". You'll look a lot worse when Trump and Moscow Mitch have taken over the Congress, arrested the Democrats and killed them all. Another hundred years of a failed Republic will follow. We need Actual Democracy now. The people must become the Legislature and vote directly on the laws, directly on the President (no electoral college), and directly on Judges ( no more Judge for life appointed by a President but voted in by the people for 9 year term, making the Judges finally answerable to the people, rather than the other way around: we the people are answerable to 9 judges. They caused the civil war with the Dread Scott Decision; now they have ruled "money is speech", women are slaves, the poor are irrelevant, and the gun manufacturers are the Aristocracy who pick out 'Representatives' and kill our children. See the 2014 website and contribute.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Canadian Truckers are demonstrating against science and Covid, That'll Show 'em.

The unhappy truck drivers are using their comradery to pull together against science and truth. Truck drivers earn a living. Everybody earns a living, and then don't live. There is an American self-pity that goes back to pre-colonial Europe. The Enlightenment started after the plague. Poor Richard's Almanac and the Declaration knocked on the door to the future and a war. No one else on earth probably thought like Jefferson. But Madison made sure the citizens didn't vote on laws, didn't vote for The Executive, didn't vote for Judges. Madison only let the 'citizens', the raw uneducated of the land, as later presented by Whitman, be ruled, led, dictated to, by the educated, landowning, company running, intelligencia of the Nation, vote, execute the voted on laws, and the executive appoint the Judges, for life, without pay cuts, Jefferson said the Judges didn't even look like they live in our country, And they pitied their fate, and cursed their lives and maintained their self-pity while they beat slaves and women into tools for the use of the upper-class, pathetic people. Oh, happy days, oh, happy, happy days of whining, self-pity, resentful mankind. Sure hope we grow up a little now that we have stopped putting our hands on servants and wives. Maybe when the self-pity takes us into another war to cleanse our moral losses we can grow. The teenagers have to change an awful lot. High on the list I put the self-pity. 

Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Power Struggle in the U.S.

 Mitch McConnel let sanctioned Russians build a spy factory in Ashland KY. It is still there and Putin is still it's master. Republicans keep America on the path to War and are supporting Trump's plan of foreign power, especially Russian, in the United States. Moscow Mitch, Trump & Putin are dangerous, wrong for America and American Democracy. Stand against the concentration of Communist Oligarch money and Capitalist Oligarch money to gain total Control of life and governments everywhere.