Of course Science failed us nearly as much as the Republicans and Trump. If they had tested and quarantined early and fast hundreds of thousands of people would probably have been saved. Their hubris in not accepting the World Health Organization's offer of a Covid-19 test in favor of their own CDC test was a gigantic failure. If you recall, their test failed and was unreliable. They took two weeks to admit their test failed and they had forced the entire health community, all the major Universities and commercial labs to not use the tests they were developing. And the county and state health services were not permitted to use their own tests but were ordered to "send their samples for testing into CDC. " Their tests failed. No one was traced and quarantined. They watched Asian nations stop the spread rapidly because they had good tests and firm commitment to their people along with decent health systems. Then Trump lied, and lied, and the people of America died and died, and the CDC would not oppose the "Government" ignoring their responsibility to the People! The Republican philosophy that money is more valuable than people took precedent over the Hippocratic oath, scientific honesty, and the precedence for truth. Science failed almost as much as the Republicans. And whoever showed courage and spoke up wasn't supported by their "superiors". That failure cost hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths. je accuse! We all should accuse and repair our wounded Nation.
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Manchin is Wrong
Joe Manchin is wrong. Joe has been persuaded by McConnel that you must protect the minority. McConnell has used the "twisted reality" that gives the minority 3 to 2 power over the majority in a system designed to be 1 for 1, even, fair, democratic. For a Senator to differ with his party is fine, even expected. But for a Democrat to defend the Republican minority claim to have power over each and every bill in Congress, except the exceptions the Republicans have mostly defined, by a 3 to 2 margin is wrong headed, against logic, against the truth, and against " one man one vote." Manchin has jumped on the "destroy Democracy" so Republicans can win for the Oligarchs" band wagon. He is wrong. He is foolish. He is killing Democracy for Moscow Mitch, Putin, Trump, and the Republican party that is making law that they control election results in their States. Welcome to the Oligarchy of the United States, Joe Manchin. Built on your misguided understanding of McConnel and Republicans, unless of course they just bought you. Then I hope you got a few generations worth of money, because the people of West Virginia, and America, will never back you again.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Oligarchs Tell Their Congressional Flunkies They aren't trying to stop Democracy, But They Are!
When they had full power we got no infrastructure. Why? GOP too greedy.
Sunday, June 13, 2021
DOJ Covering up Corruption of DOJ
Is the reason the DOJ isn't indicting Trump for the crimes he was impeached for committing because the DOJ will be exposed for violating its "Chinese Wall" and its failure to keep the power of prosecution, intimidation, and accusation within the walls of the DOJ but let Trump put fear and hate and job security anguish in them, and had them do illegal things?
Tuesday, June 1, 2021
When your organization, like a political party, specifically the Republican Political Party in the United States advocates that its members are superior to non-members, that they represent the majority superior race in the nation, that their members must be protected from the inferior minority races of the Country and the Republican party will protect its members and guard members against the actions of the inferior minorities, then the Republican Party will do everything in its power to keep and increase its power by spreading hate, lies, and joining in physical and social attacks against the minorities and other persons who disagree with them. They have lost a lot of support and are now ready to remove democratic processes in America, such as majority votes win in elections: only the Republican Party is permitted to win elections, in their view, for the good of the Country, and the good of the superior people in the superior party. And they will spend all the money needed, fight and war against all who oppose their imposing ONE PARTY RULE on America. Be careful out there. Don't fall into hating them. Just oppose one party rule, one party "morality", one party Religion, One party destruction of America.