Sunday, May 10, 2020

World Government

ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WOULD BE HERE NOW IF THE REPUBLICANS DIDN'T STOP IT AFTER ww I. They didn't let Wilson join the League of Nations that he created and supported in Europe. So we've had continuous wars since "The War to End All Wars". World government is going to come: there is one human race, see the two arms, legs, etc. There should be one government where the people vote for laws, not "Representatives" that get bought generation after generation, and keep the majority as slaves: for a few dollars or a few pounds of food. Universal education, for all people. Universal health care, for all people. Universal freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. As they are defined in United Nation Charter. The UN is a failure because it represents each country's Government, and not their people. One day, hopefully not too far away, mankind will get together, quit killing each other, work for the good of each and every one. There is no better plan, no better future, no "more perfect Union".

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