Saturday, May 23, 2020
Out "Representative" in Washington
Washington has never been a center of "confident action" and "intellectual competence" or a center of "honesty". Americans know that our "Representatives" are mostly lawyers who could not keep a job in the good legal firms. There were always a very few who believed that public service was a necessary and respected profession. But those were mostly already rich and not going to Washington to get rich. We know that the draw to Washington is getting one's hands on the tax dollars and that was only possible through kickbacks, stock trading with inside information, awards from the Captains of industry for supporting them and their greed. Eisenhower warned against the "military industrial complex" in his exit speech. We know, that throughout history , "It's good to be the king". In a Representative Democracy it's good to make the laws that favor the monied and powerful for they reward you. Most the Representatives have never represented the people. The American Founding Fathers started with the presumption that man is inherently greedy, self-serving, power hungry, and requires opposing forces, "checks and balances" to keep the people from being turned into slaves, paupers, and employees, generating capital that others get. We know that was the beginning of the country. Now, under the Republicans, since Hoover, the lying, cheating, thieves have just come out and taken over the party. The American Oligarchs buy the Representatives before they have run for office. Pity..
Friday, May 22, 2020
Art is not the justification of our existence, NYT article 5/22/2020
This was Nietzsche's opinion, also. Creativity bringing joy and thought. I disagree. Children are the purpose of "life". What do value, as a species, most? Children. What do we spend our time and energy feeding, clothing, sheltering, and educating? Children and ourselves. The old cliche was "Self-Preservation and Preservation of the Species". Today it's simply "Evolution and DNA; gene control and guidance; propogate and replenish the Earth. Art is a wonder endaevor to dedicate one's time and energy to. It brings joy, wonder, and satisfaction to the artist and the aficionados of Art in general and of the particular art one practices. But a science career, and economics career, a bricklaying career, a farming career, does very much the same. Obeying evolution and falling in love, enjoying sex and companionship, raising the children is by far the most common consequence of life, along with a profession and applied skills for living, loving, doing your job, being productive. Children are best possible excuse for going through all we go through, and they are naturally, evolutionaly, the primary purpose of life.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Bright's testimony to the House Committe
Dr. Bright said what was obvious to everyone. Those countries with a plan of testing and contact tracing at the beginning of the pandemic, have deaths in the hundreds. We didn't follow this science and we have the most deaths of any country. What I learned that I didn't know was scientists had been advocating the practise from the beginning but the executives of the CDC and White House blew th advise off. That's not acceptable. W.H.O has long published and established advice on the test-contract trace-isolate approach to stop a virus. The Obama Administration had a set of pandemic handling papers that contained it also. Of course Trump decimated the pandemic control group in the White House that was set up by Obama. This is one of the great cases of death of citizens by Government arrogance, ignorance, and self-serving. Trump may well get re-elected but he will forever live as a major cause of death in America. Probably right beside the covid-19 disease itself.
It was telling, to me, that Gov. Cuomo, in one of the earlier addresses to the people of NY and the country said the process of testing-contact tracing-isolation was totally new to him. This is not to cast an aspersion on Gov. Cuomo, but on the scientists and Trump administration, that the process had failed to be communicated to the public to the point a Governor of a Major State had not heard of it. It appears that all of Asia knew the process, and followed the process. 83,000 deaths in U.S. and counting. Almost inconceivable.
It was telling, to me, that Gov. Cuomo, in one of the earlier addresses to the people of NY and the country said the process of testing-contact tracing-isolation was totally new to him. This is not to cast an aspersion on Gov. Cuomo, but on the scientists and Trump administration, that the process had failed to be communicated to the public to the point a Governor of a Major State had not heard of it. It appears that all of Asia knew the process, and followed the process. 83,000 deaths in U.S. and counting. Almost inconceivable.
Monday, May 11, 2020
re: "Main Stream Media is the enemy"
I thought they wrote things down. If they don't use weapons, but only talk or write or both, how are they the "Enemy"? You mean they say things you disagree with and therefore they undermine your personal "security" in your belief that you are right. The conclusion I draw from that is that you firmly believe anyone who disagrees with the opinions you advocate is your enemy. This points to a belief that what you know is a complete set of knowledge covering all of humanity, all of science, all of economics, all of government, all of history, etc. Or, you at least believe that you posses or have learned a method of determining the truth that other people don't share or recognize, and therefore only you, or a few people who have the same system, know the truth. I don't have a complete knowledge of what is known or what can be known. I do follow, to some degree, a method of problem solving: science. This method is primarily based on aking measurements and drawing conclusions from the measurements. It has given us control of energy: fire, electricity, gas, petro-chemicals, and control over matter: food, clothing, shelter, buildings, cars, planes, televisions, phones, things that work and make civilization possible. And since the major Religion of our nation says "by their deeds ye shall know them" I see the deeds of science and the deeds of everything else I have more evidence that science, statistically, works. The main stream media and the back street media, only express words and ideas. Measure them scientifically, for yourself, and point out their mistakes and they will quit making them. You get what you pay for. Me, I'm broke, so I don't get anything, especially "fooled".
Sunday, May 10, 2020
World Government
ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT WOULD BE HERE NOW IF THE REPUBLICANS DIDN'T STOP IT AFTER ww I. They didn't let Wilson join the League of Nations that he created and supported in Europe. So we've had continuous wars since "The War to End All Wars". World government is going to come: there is one human race, see the two arms, legs, etc. There should be one government where the people vote for laws, not "Representatives" that get bought generation after generation, and keep the majority as slaves: for a few dollars or a few pounds of food. Universal education, for all people. Universal health care, for all people. Universal freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. As they are defined in United Nation Charter. The UN is a failure because it represents each country's Government, and not their people. One day, hopefully not too far away, mankind will get together, quit killing each other, work for the good of each and every one. There is no better plan, no better future, no "more perfect Union".
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Dying and Praying
Another day of watching us put heads on the chopping block. Be certain, someone will swing the hatchet. We are serving up lives for a few dollars that others are stealing from the tax pool of the U.S. Treasury. Our great grand children will never be able to pay off the U.S. debt that has gone up by 6 trillion dollars under this Republican/Trump administration. Some of it was certainly needed. Most of it wasn't. But the money is almost irrelevant: count the dead, count the bodies. And they don't care. They are the noble sacrifices to ignorance, greed, and hate. Hate your neighbor and it's fine if he dies. But worry if you become "the neighbor". Injustice has a way of equalizing out, just as justice has. The rich and famous, the money changers and CEOs are NOT dying in the hospitals. They aren't waiting 6 weeks for $1200 dollars to pay rent or buy food. Why not? Why are they "special". Our "Representatives" aren't working, they aren't even in Washington. They are watching TV from on top of the hill, above the coal mine, the metal mills, the auto factories, the Wall street money changing temples on Wall Street. Now they are about to make wars, so we will stop bitching about dying in the streets and can start dying on foreign shores, one more time. God help us all. And I'm an atheist, and they have me praying and hoping for good sense and good judgement to keep trying to make a good world. Good luck. Try and get enough so you can stay out of the food line or the hospital line or the funeral line. Be well, everyone.
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