1. The legislative function of the United States shall be performed directly by the people according to Article I of the Constitution and legislation that the people enact. If a bill is passed it is then sent to the President for signature, veto, or pocket veto, following Article I Section 7 of this constitution.
3. The President and Vice President of the United States shall be elected by the people. The Electoral College is hereby rescinded.
4. One ninth of the Federal Judiciary shall be elected every year by the citizens of their respective jurisdictions. Currently serving judges will be up for election in reverse order of their years of service, longest serving next to be elected until such time as all have been elected.
2. The President and Vice President of the United States shall be directly elected by the people to four year terms and shall not serve more than two such terms.
3. One ninth of the Federal Judiciary shall be elected every year by the citizens of their respective jurisdictions. Currently filled judgeships will be elected in reverse order of their years of service, longest serving is next to be elected until all have been elected.
4. The right of citizens Of the United States to directly vote for the laws under which they live, to directly carry out all other legislative functions stated in Article I of the Constitution, to directly vote for the President and Vice President, and to directly vote for the Judiciary, shall not be abridged by the United States or by any State.
4. The right of citizens Of the United States to directly vote for the laws under which they live, to directly carry out all other legislative functions stated in Article I of the Constitution, to directly vote for the President and Vice President, and to directly vote for the Judiciary, shall not be abridged by the United States or by any State.
See assocactutaldemocracy.com
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