Thursday, January 9, 2025

Fear of AI.

 "All we have o fear is fear itself".  FDR's reply to the great Depression kind of fits here too. I said that the computer was a tool, like a hammer. Use it correctly and a lot of problems can solved. Same thing with AI.

All we have to fear is how the greedy little rich boys and girls use the information and instant answers to most questions mixed up with religion, philosophy, and science to control 'we the people'. 

Reply to NYT article: Is longevity tied to gene or lifestyle

 Roger Duronio

Bogota NjJan. 8

Not a well informed question. First, what makes you think you have a choice, or that it is a choice? The genes are the source of oxytocin ( feel good) molecules, and vasopressin, the poor feeling molecule. 'Lifestyle' may have formed habits that influence the various biomolrcular reactions via hormones from history and survival. The 'jump from imagined snake in the woods is now instinctive. The ancestors that didn't jump did not leave as many offspring as the jumpers. Statics, via surviving, guides 99% of the habits we form. Nitzsche was right:" Whatever lives, obeys." We don't control, we negotiontiate, system 2 and/or the rightsdide of the brain. Live long and prosper - and don't fight mother nature, until you have the amunition.