Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Climate threat is a "man's inhumanity to man!"

 There's a good chance that ignorance and greed will not let us change to meet the Climate threats. If that proves correct we may not last 2 more generations. If science is wrong how do the cars, planes, phones, televisions, agriculture, houses, work? Science is the only way. Measure, test, adapt to the truth, make new artifacts, new tools, new philosophies, new goals. And, bye the way, there is no "magic" anywhere, anytime, that can save us.

We need to take the excess energy out of the Atmosphere! This is really a 'Man's inhumanity to man.' And it will be the last one if we don't hurry!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Flip-Flopping hillbilly, J. d. Vance

 J. D. Vance has "Flip-Flopped" on everything a philosophy or Religion can shield. Good life in the country? NO - yes - no again. In writing and videos. Trump is a Nazi, he's a 'Hitler'. No, He likes billionaires like Thiel. (Vance does too, but only for the money.)

The Republican Party has disintegrated to Well Educated haters of life, cowards at decision making, fools longing for the long lost 'Shangri La' that never even existed. Trump found a converted enemy that he likes for Thiels 'Pay Pal' money. Nothing T.D. Vance says is honest, like Trump. So we now have two would-be Executive Officers who change their positions, and lies, weekly. Who honor nothing and no one. Vote Democratic!!

Friday, July 19, 2024

Democrats Abandoning Biden

 The Donald is an unbelievable character: poorly educated, immoral, boisterous, pathological in so many ways. People with uncritical attitudes are looking for a "leader" to lead them to prosperperity, an easy wisdom, someone to blame for the failings of mankind, to quit loosing the fight for love and glory, their definition of the "good life". Trump promises it all and they believe with hope of 'salvation'.

"A King, a King, my horse for a King!" And a fool without logic, science, coherent language, and a vicious lack of sympathy and empathy takes the stage and gets voted into high office and costs so much life and treasure lost that we could bear it no more. A true Politician, the too humble Biden, won over Trump and now "his friends" have turned on Biden as if he was the Judas, and not them. We all die, so far; but our hopes and dreams die first. My Jeffersonian hope of equality before the law and equal opportunity to find a few moments of purpose, affection, and friendship with work and family produced and honored is still just a hope wavering before the ending of my life. Trump has cursed America with irrelevancy and ignorance, cruelty, and hate. All I really know is this no way to Live! I'm sticking with Biden and aching aspirations.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What Biden Should do in his last 2.5 months should he lose the election...

 The TRUTH is the Supreme Court has given Biden 2.5 months worth of immunity from the Bill of Rights. Biden, if he fails to win a new term, can send the marines into the Senate and House, arrest all the Republicans for Treason to our Democracy, and doesn't need any evidence to prove it! Have the Marines go up to the Supreme Court and arrest the 5 Republican Justices that gave him immunity from the Bill of Rights. Thank them and lock them up for treason against the U.S. If need be, he declares Martial law and holds a new election without the Republicans permitted to run, and protect the Constitution, Hold a Constitutional convention. after which he cancels the Martial law. Resigns his presidency and holds new elections under the new Constitution. If Biden doesn't do this there will be civil war. And we will have to slaughter the Anti-democracy forces and persons again, like in 1860-64 and 1776. It only takes the strength to use the tools the Republicans have set up to use to take over, before they can take over. And, like Biden frequently says: this is no Joke.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Death for All ...

 Stand strong and straight, Biden. You are correct in your opinions of what government should be: for the People.

You are right abut what Republicans are backing: Death and destruction for the common man, wealth for the "wasps = White Anglo Saxon People" and death for all of us since the heat and energy will soon kill us all. I pity all who don't have an understanding of science: of thermodynamics, electrodynamics, gravimetric forces, and how planets DIE. Either party can win the election and Death for all will come within 40 years! As scientifically presented, 50 years ago. Forgive them Lord: They know not what they do! Vote Republican to die sooner!

Friday, July 12, 2024

Biden should fire his 'Help'

 Trump should be in jail for 4 major crimes. The DOJ has too many Trumpsters inside!

Biden's advisors and friends are working against him, along with the media. He should fire them, and not let them fire Him.
Ignorant Trump has vicious crooked people working for him twisting facts, lying about lying! And destroying Truth and Justice.
The timid Democrats won't support Democracy and won't use Justice to crush these 'Monarchists -Jefferson's word - who want to RULE and not serve. Trump and the band of Nazis will win because of Biden's being "assisted to resign" by "His Help". Biden has to be supported! He literally saved this country in 2020 and now his 'help' is helping the criminal Republicans destroy 250 years of freedom and growth toward a "more perfect Nation".
The Republicans are buying your life, your children's futures. With the Climate change none of us may be here in 50 years.
Stop the stupid and back someone who isn't afraid and knows why he isn't. Biden is 3 times the man Trump has ever been. And the frightened fools 'helping Biden' are burying him! Who needs help like that?
We need to go to the streets, demand abortion rights, demand the Bill of Rights not be subject to "immunity" from the Executive. WE should look the future in the face and fight for freedom, progress, decent economy, equality before the law and equality of opportunity.
Biden is competent and Trump isn't! The Democrats are frightened of Trump and won't 'lock him up!' TRUMP IS STEALING America right in front of us and The Democrats have chosen to help him by attacking Biden. Stupid is as stupid does!!

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Some More "Stand by Biden"

 The Democrats have the most successful President in 50 years and won't support him! And I thought the Republicans were stupid for following a lying. cheating would be dictator who is a rapist and insurrectionist and seller of National secrets.

Biden is a winner. He has no recognizable challenger. The Democrats want him replaced and Superman is their guy?! Or some other fictional character. Biden did what he said he would with Trump: "Beat him like a drum." Now, because aging brings more trouble with his speech we will run ME for President. Or maybe YOU. Put away your fright and get ready to fight: for women's right to Abortion, for limits to Presidential power, for a Constitutional convention to start by re-enstating the Bill of Rights Amendments that the Supreme Court has taken from us - no trial by jury, trial by President. No free speech, press, religion, or assembly. Not safe from warrantless searches. No "due process", torture at any time for any person. Immunity is granted for violating something. Here it is Madison's Bill of Rights. The first 10 Amendments. Fight hard, with the truth, with belief, with courage. Biden is a winner, in so many ways, just back the WINNER. It's not hard!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Stand by Biden

 The Democrats have worked for people all their life. They have ASKED permission to speak, argue, get want they want and need. The Republicans have made decisions, life and death decisions for themselves and their workers. They made decisions. Biden made political decisions all his life. There is an abyss, but it isn't metaphorical. Democrats are frightened, Biden has made decisions and prospered in doing it. Its confident self-knowledge and knowing the enemy. Republicans are bullies, confident - over-confident, and almost universally 'crooked'. Winning is everything! Democrats must toughen up, call a bunch of crooks a bunch of crooks, show the disdain the Republicans have for "working people". Quit whining that Biden is imperfect! Everyone is imperfect! But the Republicans are cultivating "imperfection": The Supreme Bribe taking dictator-makers on the Court have destroyed the possibility of democracy in America - UNLESS we fight back! Biden will fight. No other Democrat in sight has fought the Republicans - and WON!

Fight with Biden, stand for the Bill of Rights - The "immunity" Court Decision has taken them away! Slow speech isn't the end to problem solving! Slow answers aren't confused - the words are. The right answer in time is worth more than all the wrong answers off the cuff. Biden remembers, slowly. All Octogenarians do. Get some back-bone Democrats. Get behind Biden and WIN for the future.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Save America if Trump Wins Nov. 2024

                The Plan to save American Democracy if Trump and the Republican Oligarchs take over the Government and begin to implement America with the Supreme Courts “no law” for Republicans and their President. {I missed the person’s name who said: “The Supreme Court has Ruled that the Constitution is Unconstitutional” but he hit the nail on the head.}


                Biden will be President for 2 months after the November election.  If he loses I advocate:

                Marshal Law must be ordered and used to remove, arrest, the 5 Republican Justices that ordered the Immunity. It is prima facie destruction of the Constitution done with and for a Group of Conspirators intent on replacing the Constitution with a dictatorship. The President can stop the Bill of Rights we are slaves: no freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, no personal or home security, no ‘due process of law’, no ‘fair trials’, torture for everybody and anybody; If it’s in the President’s wishes and needs while “running the Government”, and “getting Retribution”.

                Trump and his close advisors and the Senate and House Republican Conspirators must be identified and arrested: all under the Smith Act. Put the CRIMINALS in jail: “Lock ‘em up!’.

                A call for a Constitutional Convention must be made and local elections held to appoint members to the Convention. 

                Immunity for the President must be removed from our laws and that can only be done by changing the Constitution by adding self-protection from future ‘’Monarchists” to use Jefferson’s word, or “Dictators” to use Trump’s. The Supreme Court and Federal Judges must thereafter be elected. The Electoral College must be removed.

                I advocate for the People voting directly on the laws. We have 10,000 years of evidence that Representative and Monarchist governments neither work. A government gets corrupt. The people rebel and the Rebels win the fight for control. They set up a government. The government gets corrupted.  The people either live in a comfortable monarchy or Oligarchy – some form of slavery – or they Rebel.  We should stop the madness, accept the fact that power corrupts and don’t give any person or group a chance to enslave us for their Power and Glory. 

                Other advocates with better credentials than mine will work it out. Jefferson, Madison, Franklin, Washington, etc. have left their notes and papers as a base. They got close. We must take, and I mean TAKE, the next steps toward our “More Perfect Union” that will give the Monarchists all the rope they need under freedom by law and then remove them at the ballot box, or by force, as we did King George, and will do against this Republican Take Over, if we fail at the ballot box.

                Print up and send around a few million Constitutions, Federalist Papers, Declarations of Independence, and push movies like ’Judgment at Nuremberg’, etc.