It's what his parents told him. He just forgot about it until last week. Well, He's had memory problems all his life. He forgot he raped (at least one) women. Went bankrupt, at least in 4 businesses. Sent people to take over the Government by invading Congress on Jan. 6th. He said he'd join them but he didn't. Big sign of his courage. He said his guards wouldn't let him join in the insurrection and killing. I don't believe that is true. He didn't fire any of them. He didn't have them arrested for refusing a direct order from the Commander and Chief of the Armed Service of the United States. He didn't make an issue of not being a coward and staying under their protection in the White House. He didn't go to the insurrection because he is a coward and didn't care what happened to the people who held his riot to stop the transfer of power from his failed Presidency and failed election to Biden. Pathetic coward, trying to avoid the punishment he has coming for being who he is and what he's done. If we don't put him in jail we may have to close our jails. They really aren't just for the poor, weak, sick, downtrodden people. I've always thought so, anyway,
Monday, April 8, 2024
When Truth and Ignorance collide Truth must give way
When truth and ignorance collide truth must give way. Not since crazy George III ruled the Colonies has stupidity had such a proponent as the rapist, insurrectionist, and laughable fool as EX_PRESIDENT Donald Trump. The masochists of America have joined together and let Donald put bribe taking small people on the Supreme Court and made slaves of all women, most immigrants, and the raw uneducated of America. The intelligencia are the enemy and the coward war-monger Trump is the hero. Shakespeare wouldn't know if this was Comedy or Tragedy. The next three generations can't pay off the debt Trump left after all he stole. Just kiss America away. Ignorance has won again. Watch out when the Nucks start flying from Korea, China, and Russia. I'm heading for Canada or Singapore.
Monday, April 1, 2024
lack of longevity
Several reasons explain aging. The first is evolutions lack of good timing: we get old after having children and evolution has no need or timing to push back our aging. We have had our children and therefore are not needed any longer to keep the species going. Secondly, whatever the evolved solutions might have been they are simply too late. Too soon old and too late smart coupled to our metabolism make us un-necessary, the species has been preserved. We have a longevity problem because the stem cells fail to keep homeostasis well and functioning. So we die and demonstrate our irrelevance for the generations behind us.