The Supreme bribe takers have ruled that States cannot keep the rapist and insurrectionist, off their state ballots for President. They gave the states the power to decide if Abortions can be performed in their State. They would seem to have double standards on State Power. Colorado found Trump guilty of insurrection. The New York civilian Court found Trump guilty of Rape. I find the Supreme Court of the United States a political organization. You can tell the difference because this Supreme Court takes bribes, a Very Political action. And the Department of Justice has it's hands tied over charging the Bribery. I don't understand why. Even more, I don't understand why the DOJ doesn't investigate, charge and indict the BRIBERS, the Republican Oligarch Billionaires who have undermined all three of our Political Institutions and given us tramps and thieves in the Legislature, Executive, and now Judicial "Tramps and Thieves" to destroy our Democracy. I see this concentrated untaxed billions buying Senators, Judges, and Representatives, and Trump, the Dictator lover and woman abuser, Citizen abuser, and general weak fool. Consequently, I am not sanguine, not hopeful on Democracy's survival in the USA. I don't think we can stand and be victorious against the strength of well planned destruction. I don't think we have the understanding, strength, or fortitude to think we are endangered and are required to 'win our Democracy' one more time. "Stop the Un-American tyranny".