There is no Justice in America, any longer. There is "shut up and obey" as our current legal system. The 'bribe taking' Supreme Court is giving Trump time to 'conquer', by hook and by crook' the Executive office of the United states. They do so because they want to RULE America. The only way out is for "We the People" to vote in a vast majority of Democratic candidates to the Executive and Legislative branches of our government. Put Trump in jail. Indict the bribe taking Supreme Court 'Monarchists' ( And their 'bribers') and start drawing up some Amendments of the Constitution that protect us from being a self destructive Country, and we sure look like we are that today.
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Crooked Senator McConnell bragging about destroying America - and Retiring.
McConnel is and was a corrupt, self serving, sly 'hill billy' with only his own interest, and ego, of interest to him. He took bribes from Russian Oligarchs and took them off the sanction list so he could take the bribe, permit them to build an 'aluminum factory' "spy house" . And his wife, who was the Secretary of Transportation, built the Russian spies a new road to their new, Republican and McConnell blessed spy center. Scum, is the only adjective I can think of to describe a vicious anti-democratic, self-serving, stupid, greedy Republican Politician. America is not strong enough to survive these idiots given by the Republican Billionaires, as our Representatives, and their contempt of, and for, the average American Citizen. Unless the average American Citizen, stops for a second, and perceives the threat of total slavery to idiots, we have no chance for honest, strong, good, government. The Republicans were already down the road of lying and cheating to try and save their "superior persons", slave owners of previous generations from complete irrelevance, that they have earned, and Trump came to save them by advocating total control by the stupid and incompetent over the average, hopeful, American Citizen. You must now kiss it all good bye and obey the dictatorial, better than you, rotten, Trumpsters. I'm looking to sell my home and emigrate to North Korea, where I will be safer than being an American.
Sunday, February 4, 2024
MAGA and Trump's 'Politics'
Maga, clearly support Trump because he claims to support them. And he does. He doesn't speak to open crowds. Only the selected downtrodden. He did nothing but get them killed, especially during the pandemic. Down with wealth and education. Up with Religion and financial 'Relief', low paying jobs, No vocational schools, no book reading, no law.