Certainly free speech is a paramount requisite for learning and so is an educational system that understands that. But even requisites have pre- requisites. Students and educators need a decent philosophy that commits to learning, growing, committing. And inside, or beside, that, intellectual integrity is required. The schools are being beaten down, along with so many of our institutions, about any stands they take. Liberal - No GOOD, rotten, criminal, SOFT. Conservative, NO GOOD, greedy, dictatorial, power hungry, dishonest. The Churches are teaching politics and they don't have the slightest idea what politics is. It's the opposite of faith. It's containing truth, honor, MORALITY, and compromising. Who is without sin? Who is without gaps of honesty? Who is superior to anybody else? Who is still looking for the truth? They know they already have it. "I AM RIGHT" is not an answer to anything with trust, integrity, and respect for other, even flawed, opinions. Truth makes you free. Makes a society free. Dishonesty, is not strength. It's suicide for a culture. You don't really know very much. Nobel prizes are in small, relatively closed , disciplines. Demand intellectual honesty, intellectual integrity. But, like mathematics, not every one studies it.
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Trump should be saying the President can do anything criminal - Biden might shoot him in his orange head..
Trump should do what he never does: rethink his position. He claims the President has total immunity and can do anything. He's saying Biden can walk up to him, on television, and kill Trump, with impunity. I would love it!
And, of course, right now, Biden can send a murder squad, have them kill Trump, and pardon them. Really not such a bad idea Donald Trump.
You say Joe should pardon the Jan 6 traitors. Why didn't you? Follow your own logic Donald. Biden should have you, and all the House Republicans that signed the amicus brief to the Supreme Court taken out and shot on television. Then pardon the killers.
Trump claims the legal actions, the 91 indictments is a "Political" ploy. But Biden can have you murdered and free the murders if he wanted you out of the way. You know, like you freed the soldiers who murdered people. Seems fair to me. We should put signs up: I'll murder Trump for the pardon. BY Trump's logic Biden could do it himself and then pardon himself.
So Donald, until you become the President and shot down 4 other Presidents have, I wouldn't tell the Public The President can do whatever he wants to do. Break your legs,blind you, take all your money. You get my point, Trump? You've put a target on your big orange head. Best thing you can do is plea guilty, ask to go to Guantanamo.
Saturday, January 6, 2024
Time to Get Mad, Time to Stand Up for Truth and Justice, Time to Rember that we won the Revolution and the Civil war over haters of liberty, justice, and truth.
When you have to tell a despicable person they are despicable and they get to turn it around on you for being unkind to poor stupid vicious despicable people you have no chance of rational intercourse.
The Republicans are determined to break the democracy and rule us by fear and force. It's easy to see. They back being superior to the citizenry. They said, in full glory to the World, twice, Trump was innocent of crimes we saw him commit, and they saw him commit. The Republicans are criminal, insurrectionists, backed by big money from the American Oligarchs who believe we are all for sale.
Vote for control over your own morality, your God, or none, Your own values and hope for the future of the country. Vote against the despicable criminal rotten dog Republicans and don 't be afraid to call them that. It's what they are. Get down on the street corners and bars and don't walk away from a Trumpster pushing stupid words and lies. Tell him , or her, they are wrong. Trumps put 700 or more people into federal prison on Jan 6 invasion of Congress. Tell his supporters he'll lead all his supporters there. Speak up for women's rights, civil rights, worker's right, American's rights. Don't get pushed around, verbally or physically. You don't only count, you are responsible to make yourself count.
Get mad. Get ready for the fight, unfortunately, of our countries life. And remember, we slaughtered these 'superior haters of justice and equality' in the last civil war.
Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Civil War!? ... Perhaps.
Most of these bought and paid for Republican 'Representatives' are 'Representing' their bribers They don't understand much: like treason against our Democracy. We may well have to start preparing for the coming civil war. I suggest getting ar 15's joining the NRA to learn how to use it. And prepare to "protect and Defent the Constitution". Treason must be answered or our Nation and lives and freedom will go down the tubes. I hate thinking about it but we should prepare for it. November may well present us with armed rebellion and the army standing aside to see who wins. We will soon see If the Courts will also back treason. If so. We may need to be armed and ready sooner. We should certainly not panick. But the boy scouts are right, I think, be prepared. The Republicans following this Mad Dog Trump (insurrectionist, rapist, and advocate for the violent over throw of our Government) want to shove their opinions and hopeless lives down our throats. Trump says we are out to get him. If the courts protect him we may well need to pull together and take up the position the raw goofy Maga Republicans are pushing us to. We won in 1860. We can lose in 2024. Let's choose, perhaps against our will, to not fail. Stand up for America, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln,and all "Our Honored Dead".
Monday, January 1, 2024
Republican Candidates state pardon for Trump
Of course the Insurrectionist Rapist no-talking, no-thinking fool will get pardoned by Republican Presidents. The Republicans have fallen in love with power hungry stupidity and anti-reason .