The Supre Court members have accepted a Texas Billionaire's bribes. They have sold justice and decency for a 'few dollars more'. The Keating 5 Senators, in my lifetime, took bribes from Keating. When Keating was asked if he expected special treatment from the Senators he bribed he replied something to the effect of "I certainly hoped so." These Gangsters, tramps and thieves of America assume superiority of character over all of us and they are always planning crooked ways of using the power we give them.
Now the Supreme Court Republicans have turned out to be the Crooks, taking bribes for favorable money opinions. It's always a question of character and the bribers and bribe takers show their love of money and power are more important than justice, freedom, and people. Damn them. Charge them. Find them guilty of accepting bribes and put them in jail. They have put 2,000,000 Americans in jail for minor and serious crimes. NO ONE IS ABOVE the LAW. They just believe they should be. You know, "They are SPECIAL" We are slaves, to be guided, worked to death with uneducated children, old cars, poor diets. Ban bribes,bribers, and bribe takers in our Government. The DOJ is failing us again, or still.
Don't let them sell our justice for a few pieces of silver. Jail the Bribed and bribers! Save equality before the law. Supreme Court Justices should not be held to a different standard of justice. Slam the jail cell doors in their corrupt faces.