The ruling philosophy has changed to "Money is more valuable than people" and the Republicans have taken too much from the gun manufacturers and the other American Oligarchs to give up the fruits of their inhumanity for our children. I curse them, all, and pray that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much explain, too much find nothing but bitterness and nihilistic contempt. The sick poisoned dogs are eating their children, and don't think anything is wrong with it. I so much want to call a just and murder filled, revenge filled, war. They have just about taken MY humanity away.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Friday, March 17, 2023
The lost souls: Trump and Desantis, followers of fools, not leaders of Mankind, seeing themselves inept.
And well they should: they both degrade the humanity of America, the strength of America, the Humanity of America. In my youth, we would have simply taken their lunch money and laughed at them. Now, that they are bought and paid for by the American Oligarchs we can only laugh at them for being poor representatives of no progress and dictators for everyone. They are pathetic, incompetent, non-leaders of anything. They are both irrational, small, and ugly people who long to rule the rest of us, especially the 'us' that know how pathetic and inept they both are. Good Republicans and hateful, lost, Americans.
Sunday, March 5, 2023
We can't Regress to Monarchist claims of Superiority and preparedness to rule.
The Republican philosophy and objective has regressed to what Jefferson called "Monarchists". They are the superior citizens of the land and should rule us, either by devine right or by the fact of their being brighter, wealthier, better educated, the Rightful Rulers of the Land, and the people.
They are pathetic, unhistorical, unscientific, self-centered, know nothings, do nothings, who think they should have the power to decide the future of us, 330 million U.S. Citizens!!
That shows their smallness, arrogance, and total ineptness to have or handle any power over anyone. We must bind together and make our common goals of law, order, humanity, trust in each other, faith in each other, and understanding that we bend our knees to nothing known or unknown but to mutual commitment to purse our promises to our children for them to have communion of spirit, willingness to work and work together for the betterment of all of us. Jefferson helped remove the monarchist's "knee from our necks" and put a way to a more perfect Union in our hearts. Don't support those who try to tell you how to live. Support those who try to live honorably with you, with us, Americans all, and none inferior in any way.