Many people believe science is too highly praised and may not be what it's cut out to be. I only replay with saying the cars, planes, cities, electricity, supermarkets, health care, phones, television, computers, etc. etc., ALL WORK. We may use them to maintain man's inhumanities to man, but the science is there, behind the engineering, design, and applications. We bring energy, as electricity and natural gas into our homes so we can have the light, the television, the refrigeration, the water heater, all the 'comforts of home'. Most of us have faced science classes and learned the works that science and scientists have done. It's a great story, a large piece of our history, and will support our species in its struggle to live peacefully, helping life and living become safer, more rewarding, for all of us.
The coming election: Looks like :
Democrats are for votes determining who our Representatives will be;
Republicans claim vote cheating has occurred (but failed to prove it in any Court, not one.) and suggest vote cheating is now permitted only for Republicans, that they can cheat and just appoint winners. They advocate stopping Cheating by - get this - Cheating themselves. Sounds like the Republican Oligarchs are angry for selecting weak, poorly educated, candidates for office and just want to appoint them directly, for "US" (and certainly not to benefit THEM, nice guys that they pretend to be).
Vote Democratic. Make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure the cheats don't get away with cheating. Or even trying to cheat.
Stand for Jefferson and Madison - you know, the guys that have all the streets named after them all over the Country - not Trump and other untrustworthy and self-serving Republicans who have bent their knees and kissed Trump's -- ah, ah, - ring,.