Sunday, June 26, 2022

Supreme Court Surrenders it's basis of Authority. It's become a group of Bible Thumping dictators.

 The Supreme Court, and it's internal majority of lunatic fringe Republicans, has taken away the right of women to control their own bodies, their own lives. We must now ignore all the Supreme court decisions. They are not answerable to us. We should no longer be answerable to them. Jefferson was right: the Constitutional Article 3 Judges are not answerable to the people, to the Executive, or to the Legislature. Now they have become wild religious supporters and against Muslims, Buddhists, atheists, and take away rights from the people for the 'benefit' of bible thumpers they have betrayed the Constitution and the people. Since they are no longer protecting the law they have become rulers and given up being public servants. Ignore the Supreme Court rulings. They cannot enforce them: they have no police force, no army, nothing but their words and their words say you are slaves again, as they said in Dred Scott (~1850) decision that gave us the Civil War.

We need an Actual Democracy: the people must become the legislature and vote directly on the laws they live under. We must vote directly for the President and do away with the Electoral College. We must vote directly for judges making them answerable to the people. See, advocating for Actual Democracy since 2014.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

 If the Biden administration was interested in indicting Trump they would have taken the two impeachment transcripts from the House and put them in front of a grand jury, period.

They are obviously afraid of "backlash" from the public, where they could be seen as using the law against political opponents. I am more afraid of my nation being afraid of defending my nation from those who would be king, for our good, and their greater good, and to get their hands on the treasury, the education of our children, the army, the full faith and credit of the United states. It's more important to stop would be kings and dictators than to believe "I'll look bad trying to save America". You'll look a lot worse when Trump and Moscow Mitch have taken over the Congress, arrested the Democrats and killed them all. Another hundred years of a failed Republic will follow. We need Actual Democracy now. The people must become the Legislature and vote directly on the laws, directly on the President (no electoral college), and directly on Judges ( no more Judge for life appointed by a President but voted in by the people for 9 year term, making the Judges finally answerable to the people, rather than the other way around: we the people are answerable to 9 judges. They caused the civil war with the Dread Scott Decision; now they have ruled "money is speech", women are slaves, the poor are irrelevant, and the gun manufacturers are the Aristocracy who pick out 'Representatives' and kill our children. See the 2014 website and contribute.