Saturday, October 31, 2020

Weak Man Trump

 The United States was fortunate that "Strong man Trump" wasn't really strong. A Strong man would have taken over the U.S. government after the Senate vote leaving him in office. He would have attacked the leaders of the House, used imaginary laws to undermine them. Rally the military around him. Fire anyone in the Executive branch who didn't support his re-election. Then stop the election. When the Supreme Court ordered him to hold the election - refuse. The Executive backs up the Courts decisions. When he refuses to do so there is nothing the people can do but complain.  Trump is a coward, so he couldn't do it. A real strong man would have taken over America. The next Republican President will accomplish this destruction of the Republic, this philosophic transformation of power into absolute power, unquestionable power. Read Machiavelli. It's really easy. All there is to it is o do it. Trump is too weak. .. I think.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Last Preseidential debate, 2020.

Trump's record condemned him: cruelty to children and families at the border; no understanding of needed plans to stop the spread of covid-19; stealing money and taking money from foreign governments; and pathological lie after pathological lie, exposing a probably deeper pathology behind the lying. He's a defeated man, glad to be going probably. He has to know how unfit he is for the job that requires someone with greater experience, greater honesty, greater worldview, and more experience in governing and government. Trump was a gamble for his "base" and both he and his base lost the gamble. Snake eyes Donald Trump. Pass the dice.


Friday, October 9, 2020

Response to NYT article on Loving Your Country

 Whatever game Trump and the Republicans are playing it is not the "Glass Bead Game", but it is just as poorly defined. Trump is not a Magister Ludi, He's a fool in fool's clothing. There is no guidance but raw power seized, used for one's benefit, and all else irrelevant, irrelevant. This philosophy has been attacked and contained throughout history, but it has prevailed everywhere. An "eye for an eye" prevails over "love thy neighbor". Caesar won the wars but lost the form of government. The Caesars lasted 700 to 1000 years. And there was no progress in the number of people or quality of life until the 1600's, the time of sanitation and the Renaissance. But it was the Medici and Borgias, and power of the Church that brought the Renaissance. Education overpowers everything else. The Corporations today, money changers aside, are scientific research organizations. And mostly closed in objective and method. The "founders" were always "right". And that's simply not true. Objectives run into opposing objectives . Governments and civilizations must improve both their scientific objectives and economic objectives.100% of the right, JFK said, is rarely on one side of an argument. Respect for people, aided by law, not forced by law, the "perfectibility of men and institutions" needs a rehearing, in scientific terms. A Nation is a group of people who have bought into a common aspiration: "man is wise enough to govern himself", or "The others need ruled by 'us' ",or , really, me.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The boy who cried...


                                                   It is not a hoax. 

               The boy who cried, "There is no wolf", got bitten.