Trump sold out the Kurds. Trump let Korea perfect its missiles and nuclear weapons. Our allies "pity us". Hell, we "pity us".
A thousand Americans are dying every day from covid-19 and we are not safe, anywhere in America, because Trump is not "responsible", just ask him. "No. I don't take responsibility", he said, in front of the whole Country. How does this man live with himself ? Has he "no shame"? Of course he has no shame. He has no moral, legal, social, self-judgement and no self-criticism at all. Donald Death is perfect! Perfectly defective. Perfectively dangerous. We are not safe under the Republicans and Trump. This Country is not NOW safe to live in. There will be the greatest emigration of people and talent in history. There will be a "brain-drain" that will result with the failed Republican Party running the government forever, in a dictatorship of "unimpeachable" Presidents. And if that isn't the definition of a Dictator I don't know what is. Just take a moment, think about it. A president that cannot be impeached, like Trump, for good cause, is nothing but a Dictator. And the Republicans, like the Ancient Romans, now support "the strong man" form of government. Caesar over the Representative Roman Senate. Trump over the Congress. At any rate, we are not safe under Trump, not politically safe under Trump, not morally safe under Trump. He's the run country into the ground, and says somebody else did it, someone else did it. Elect trump and get more death.Monday, August 31, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Trump Dynasty ?
It's astounding that serious people give credence to the Trump "potential dynasty". America is full of the "raw uneducated mothers of the land" (Walt Whitman). But that doesn't mean they are stupid, and Whitman did not imply that they were. They care for, work for, pray for, and support their children, and the hope for their children's future. Those mothers will struggle against the self-serving "Representatives" of America. Now that death in America "is the greatest", and incompetence, put on display for 6 months, is the greatest, and the disdain for truth is "the greatest" the "raw uneducated mothers of the land" must, and will, add their votes to the deeply educated, the well educated, and normally educated and "smite down" the clothless king, the authoritarian "raw uneducated" Donald, impeached President, Putin puppet, pathological liar, Trump. A dynasty based on this beginning can not even start, let alone last. We will not accept this in the land of those who have killed Hitler, seen Stalin and Marx (and what they stood for) die, killed Sadam & Osama, put the challenge of the Monroe Doctrine, brought down the Japanese and German nazis, German Kaiser in 1918. Can Trump see his way to strategic thinking as "War and Peace" ? Do you think he has ever held the novel in his hands? He doesn't read, how can he lead without touching the minds & characters of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, etc. Trump failed, dynasty will not start.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Response to Trump Republican Convention, midly...
And now Trump has picked up the mantle of his hero lawyer: Roy Cohen: everyone you need to beat down gets a finger in his face and "communist" shouted at him. We need to all re-read "1984" and 'war is peace'. They believe free speech is prodding someone into a fight and saying you had the right to shoot him because he hit you when you degraded, insulted, and scared him into defending himself. I had to shoot him 'cause he was mad at me telling him he loved the wrong God.
But Trump must be attacked on his talking point: I'm going to do this, and that, I'm going to fix everything. If he could fix anything, why didn't he do it during his term in office?
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The complicity of the news outlets in Trump's take over
All the newspaper editors, TV News executives and editors, have presented Trump as the failure he is, and 2020 brought it all out with his incompetence, fear, and stupidity in handling,or rather not handling the covid-19 epidemic. But that certainly wasn't needed to see the fool in fool's clothing, or the naked King on his high horse. Before Covid-19 Trump was a pathological liar with other pathological symptoms. All easily seen and easily talked about. And TV and news outlets talked about it. Some good and some bad. It didn't take this total economic and health failure on the part of Trump and the Government as a whole to show an eighth grader his country, and his generation, was in a lot of trouble. But the news groups and tv stations just started competing on getting better ratings, better inside information on how dumb Trump is, how many women he had affairs with, how much money he laundered, how many of his associates were criminals, how he took a knee - to Putin, how horrible a human and President he was. They watched and reported. They watched it all and competed in how to present it. They are still doing it. Why aren't they, every day, screaming get rid of this ugly despicable, degenerate, lieng dog out of his office, now! Today. NO. They didn't want or have the understanding or the strength of character to say "get rid of this man" determined to ruin this nation, determined to do Putin's bidding, determined to do away with the State Department, the housing, labor, justice, military departments, the intelligence agencies. This paper, and others, reported the "downfall" of democracy, the rise of a totalitarian personality, and party. But they didn't say stop it. Mueller said he had a DOJ finding that kept him from indicting, but he kept Trump safe for 2 years and reported Trump was a bum and crook. That's all. Reported. Trump, and the Republicans laughed. WE all just watched. We didn't rise up in anger, we didn't cry havoc in the streets, everyday.
Scientists are complicit in the deaths of our people under Trump
Sure Trump, science denier (but Television works), has caused deaths by tens of thousands through his mental and character failures. But the Scientists of the American government, and in the public, are complicit. Who stood up and said without testing, contact tracing, and quarantine the virus would spread like wildfire, before the virus went ballistic? Who tried to implement the Obama era paper on how to fight a pandemic. Who of the fired pandemic group stood up, with their hair on fire, and said this is deadly and Trump is wrong, and CDC is weak and lost and watching body bags stack up without forcefully putting their jobs, and their honor, on the line. Well, they kept their jobs. They lost my respect. They didn't speak truth, scream truth, or build consensus and put group statements out. Where was the AMA, The AAAS, Nature and Scientific American, and Science journals? We're dead because the nation doesn't "love science" anymore. Well,scientists didn't raise the debate level, didn't show the other country examples and challenge us to apply them. They watched , time after time, the virus explode in state after state, didn't scream we need a country wide plan, a country surrendered by letting someone who said shoot up clorox to kill the virus. and it will go away, disappear, while it killed, and still is. It's way past "shame on you" to Trump and our Scientific cowards to explain this impossible failure.
Monday, August 24, 2020
Trump got Nominated -- we need help, we need saved
Trump presents all things he's going to do: cut prescription costs, make more jobs, etc. etc. Why hasn't he done them during his term? He's given us fools and prejudiced men on the courts, a tax cut for the rich and a joke, or hoax, for the middle class. Built no highways, built a few miles of a stupid unnecessary wall, put babies in dog cages, and failed to give decent advice to the dying people and cost us more lives and more cases of infection than any other nation. Even the nations whose leaders are in Trump's class didn't do as badly as we did. He continues his irrelevant pathological lying, added to it with pathological pushing doctors around, to speed up the body bag filling. 10 million people lost jobs and 178,000 died. America is number 1 on the death and infected lists. He doesn't speak in sentences and never laughs, because he is mostly just demented. If you like living like we did these 3.7 years you better vote for him. Make sure children get a good start on living with death all around them, jobs not to be found, and a television fool who is unprepared for reality, except making it up and living in a world where "Only he can" make the worst out of all opportunities. And his Republican supporters who don't see these actual problems are probably going to win the stolen voting effort and destroy any semblance of a democratic nation for us all. I keep waiting for the fun to start and I just see body bags piling up, kids starting to fill the body bags now, and all for the nothing that is Donald Trump, incompetent fool and pathological human being.
Trump will talk about crime: after 7 advisors to his first campaign violated every moral, legal, and political law,rule, guideline in history: working as russian agents to help an inexperienced politician and public servant, an admitted immoral womaniser, a charged rapist, and someone who would not show his taxes or explain his bankruptcies. A fool in fools hair. He'll be abrasive against Biden, claim how he is savior of America when he has led us to being short of body bags at hospital doors. More people have died because he had no understanding of what a virus is or sense enough to listen to specialists and take their advice. He took Fox news advice and let testing slide, railed AGAINST wearing masks, never spoke the words "contact tracing and quarantining". The weapons South Korea, China, Taiwan, New Zealand, Singapore, etc. used, in plain sight, to keep the people safe from the virus, where they have hundreds of deaths, or less than a few thousand for China. Yeah, he's going to make us SAFE, he says, when he won't go to a hospital, say a kind word to a researcher, or a dying person. Scum, Donald death Trump. Fool, incapable, demented, laughable, and uses power to steal a few dollars rather than build a monument of accomplishment and health, wealth, productivity. He's the biggest failure in the country, ever. A pathological liar, with symptoms of worse pathologies, if there are any worse than that. I guess murder by lie, is worse than poverty by lie. But lie is all he can guess to do. And does it as poorly as any other politician has. If America re-elects Trump we won't have any immigration problem, it will be an emigration problem.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Response to Biden's acceptance speech
When I joined the "forensics" team in high school my Father told me that if you say the obvious truth about a subject, no matter your style , or lack of style, people will say you spoke well. Because they want to hear the truth they know enforced. Politicians have now started saying "What people want to hear." So when we hear the truth, even the terrible truth, it is refreshing, it is what we are longing for, it makes a "great speech". Biden has always been a decent speaker, an honest person. This was a "good speech" because he told the truth. They all did, without much hyperbole. We know Trump is totally out of control, has nothing in him, no saving graces, that can be reached, that will keep him from becoming Caesar, napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, etc. And, if he wasn't so incompetent and underhanded he could have done it. It is incumbent that we throw him out. Vote. The Truth is, "We are in trouble" and Trump is dangerous beyond our wildest imagination. Vote, make sure your vote is counted, make sure your vote is effective, make sure your vote gets results.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Vote , vote against Trump, Vote for Biden
Trump's personal deductions, the conclusions of a pathological liar, rather inept, unqualified person, are being implemented by people who share his world view:lie, cheat, steal and keep power over the rest of America. So everything is done "Trump's way", the pandemic has killed more Americans than any other nation by 50 thousand. The mail is being stopped and slowed so people ca 't vote - who wants a President who deliberately hurts the country? Re-elect him? Get more stupidity and vicious illegality? Why ? The novellty of his incompetence and lack of knowledge has worn off. We know he is just worthless as a leader, as a President, as a human being. Get rid of this bum before he kill our government and millions of people. Please!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Mis-judging Kamala Harris, candidate for Vice President.
Aren't we judging on the wrong things? Aren't we judging Kamala Harris on the wrong things? She is a black women who has overcome what we see as handicaps. She supported the "Me too" fight for sexual equality and the equal protection of the laws. That's more important than her being a woman. She supports Black Lives Matter, so mankind can be judged by the quality of their character and not the color of their skin. I honor her objectives, her overcoming, but it is the issues she stands for, not how she came to support them that is the key. She is far, far above being a Black Woman: she's an American standing with the rule of law, standing with equality before the law, standing up for "the American Way" when Trump, the Republicans, the liars, cheaters, and thieves stand up for "the superior" people, the bullies, the rich, the ugly Americans. I cheer Kamalas "overcoming" and pushing frontiers, but I celebrate the will to "make a more perfect Union", a more perfect humanity, a better community. Giving great responsibility is not giving a reward to one's personal history. It is giving a challenge to making one's future join and lead, and help, make our world a joy, challenge, tough job worthy of doing.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Response to "Woman Vice President"...
Gee, look, evolution has brought us "self-protection" from people of other races - racism; protection from other genders - sexism; protection from foreigners - nationalism: protection from the unknown: fear; protection from total ignorance: education, science, maturity, 2500 years of politics, building, measuring, writing, reading, dealing with the human condition, and overcoming of "the human condition". Wars, hate, religion, stupidity, kings, dictators, Shakespeare, Aeschylus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, and, somewhere in the mix, civilization, mates, houses, and diseases. Ain't it fun? And, "We shall overcome" all prejudice, all fear, all ignorance, and the overcoming started with "All men(and other human type creatures) are created equal", flawed, fallible, daring, adventurous, and - oh, yea, prejudiced. Some line from the African Queen, went "...and we were put here to overcome them". Religion has good targets, poor aim. We'll get over our humanity when evolution decides it's time to let science and logic to "really get into our head".