Saturday, January 18, 2020

The 100 years of memorable Republicans

The Republican Party, since 1920 has given us: Henry Cabot Lodge; who kept US from entering the League of Nations that Woodrow Wilson fought to get. The result was WWII.
   Then we got Hoover and the Great Depression. Famously there was Joe McCarthy in the 50s. He redefined American as only the long, cheating, stealing Republicans and declared everyone else a Communist.
The good old “Your President is not a crook Nixon. Close to 50 Republicans went to prison then.
Ronald Reagan couldn’t remember violating the law that Congress passed to keep the Iran-Contra affair from happening. Good old boys went to jail for that one, too. George Bush and Dick Cheney are still looking for the weapons of mass destruction. Only 5000 Americans dead, 25000 wounded and 4 or 5 trillion dollars, and counting, to pay for these lies and the Republican cheats and thieves who got the kick backs from the death and destruction that the Generals were continuously telling them couldn’t be won.
Vote for more liars, cheats, and thieves, vote Republican, so ignorance, hate, and crime can continue to govern the American people.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Regarding Current America

The application of the Executive power of the Presidency in an arbitrary and capricious manner is illegal and unconstitutional.  Any powers given to our Representatives for the purposes of  their responsibilities, when applied arbitrarily and/or capriciously toward those responsibilities. No use of the power transferred from the people to their Government officials is unquestionable, as the officials themselves, echoed by the media, keep saying.  NONE. Assassinating foreign officials violates the Fifth Amendment: "No Person shall ... be deprived life ... without due process of law..." PERIOD. The firing of senior FBI officers, State Department Officials, Military and Executive officers for personal and political reasons political reasons is illegal, and destructive to a coherent Government. I believe the Government has ceased to honor the Constitution and that we are no longer a nation ruled by law. After the Republican Senate, many of whom got into office on the 'coattails' of Putin's interference for Trump in 2016,   finds Trump not guilty of the Impeachment they will have Crowned the King of America, a man above the law, beyond indictment and beyond impeachment, beyond control. To me, it is totally unbelievable. But I ave watched Trump play the Republicans like a piano and I see the Republicans bend their knees to True and Current King. Pathetic and tragic. The great experiment has failed.  We have failed, failed ourselves, our predecessors, and our progeny.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Response to NYT article on "Depression and Politics, Jan 1 2020

I'm depressed that 6 members of the Presidents election campaign of 2016 were correctly put into prison, or soon going. All plead guilty or found guilty at Federal trial. How is this possible in a Nation ruled by law? It isn't. How is it possible that our President has cheated on all three of his wives, run a fraudulent University, fined 25 million dollars for committing the fraud? How is it possible that Senate Republicans who got elected on Trumps Putin created coat-tails are to Judge the President's Impeachment trial? They owe their Senate seat, as Trump owes his Presidency, to the Putin/Russia denial of free elections in America. And they have already said they will not give a fair trial. I am depressed that America has turned the Constitution and laws into pieces of paper, totally unsupported by our Representatives. The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of men, warned against in the Federalist Papers. Whoever isn't depressed is watching a different world from mine. The experiment and the promise of The United States has failed. No more "free elections", "free speech", no more "bill of rights"! the President cannot be indicted and will not be removed by a trial on the Bills of Impeachment by his accomplices in Constitutional destruction, the Republican Senators that Putin put into office along with Trump. The "Nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" has ceased to endure. Isn't that reason to be depressed?