The Republican Party, since 1920 has given us: Henry Cabot Lodge; who kept US from entering the League of Nations that Woodrow Wilson fought to get. The result was WWII.
Then we got Hoover and the Great Depression. Famously there was Joe McCarthy in the 50s. He redefined American as only the long, cheating, stealing Republicans and declared everyone else a Communist.
The good old “Your President is not a crook Nixon. Close to 50 Republicans went to prison then.
Ronald Reagan couldn’t remember violating the law that Congress passed to keep the Iran-Contra affair from happening. Good old boys went to jail for that one, too. George Bush and Dick Cheney are still looking for the weapons of mass destruction. Only 5000 Americans dead, 25000 wounded and 4 or 5 trillion dollars, and counting, to pay for these lies and the Republican cheats and thieves who got the kick backs from the death and destruction that the Generals were continuously telling them couldn’t be won.
Vote for more liars, cheats, and thieves, vote Republican, so ignorance, hate, and crime can continue to govern the American people.