Sunday, February 26, 2017

justice and equality for all...

 It is a never ending struggle for justice and equality for all people. And it's not just for the underprivileged. The fight for their rights stands out because they are the easiest targets for the authoritarians. But Trump, like Big Brother, is attacking our very institutions: The Courts and the Press, whoever has the authority and responsibility to point out how unprepared, unknowledgable, unprincipled, this life long thief and bully is.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Reply to "Even if Trump is the Enemy his followers are not", nyt column

Your premise is wrong. Without the whiners and "help me" people who contribute little and take little Trump and the thieves of America would loose all credibility, all 'followers' . Trump Wants to rule and they want to be ruled. Fools and traitors to self-determination, the Constitution, mankind, and themselves. See Eric Fromm, "Man for Himself", and "Escape From Freedom". The big problem is our failure to give a solid, "liberal" education to our children, along with the love of knowledge, adventure, and self-reliance it instilled in mankind since the Renaissance.

Trump's Philosophy and Overcoming

Roger Duronio The philosophy behind superiority of class, gender, religion, race, and opinion is that I and mine are correct and everybody else is wrong, and probably stupid. Even worse, evil. Trump and his crew of science and truth failures need to have others hating others so they don't look Trump and his crew in the eye and see their ignorance, their need to bring everyone else down, and their need to change reality. We are in far more trouble than a minor political change. The soul of this nation will not look moral, caring, hard working, truth loving, future striving, and creative if we just "go along". resistance isn't enough. We must overcome.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Putin and Trump; Traitors

So it turns out Trump and Putin are passing notes back and forth during the election and just after it. Like kids in school. Only these notes are about how they will let the Ukrainian and Crimean people live. What kind of government they will give the people there and how they will control those people: for the good of the world. These men, Putin and Trump are traitors. They are traitors to their people, traitors to freedom and justice, traitors to self-determination of people. They should be tried as traitors.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The Trump question...

The Question is: "When did Trump sell the United States Sovereignty and democratic government to Putin for Putin's help in winning the election? All other questions are irrelevant.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Response to NY Times article: "What we are fighting for".

This story is a story about principles, personal and national principles. Principles based on the philosophy that all men are created equal, endowed with inalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The simple fact that there are no special people. We are testing this principle under President Trump. Who hasn't informed us of any of his philosophy or principles. To logically pursue this principle of equality and justice we need to change from being the Republic into an Actual Democracy: the people don't get represented by elected Representatives. Only by voting directly on the laws under which we live will we be free and our voices have equal political force. We must vote directly on the Executive officers and directly on the Judicial officers, the Judges. Every member of the Government must be answerable to the people and the people must be responsible for the laws. It is the next evolutionary step in democracy, freedom, and equality. If we do not fight for these fundamental principles, and to expand and promulgate them, we fight for rulers and material garbage and to be superior when superiority is impossible. What we fight for and should fight for, until they are accomplished, is personal freedom and personal equality guaranteed to each of us by all of us. We are wise enough to govern ourselves and we should do it. See Join up, contribute both money and time. Fight for these singular principles.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Trump & sanity

The excuses that the Administration spokespersons and news reporters for President Trump's continued lying miss the whole point. They fundamentally say Trump is 'unusual', That he sees reality differently. etc. The only reasonable conclusion is that Trump does not distinguish reality from his opinions or beliefs. That is clearly the definition of a psychotic person. If reality is not the basis from which the President draws inferences and conclusions then he has no right being the decision maker for the United States and should be removed. To continue to lie about any factual condition is insane. Trump does it on a regular basis. The media, in not pointing this fact out, is supporting an insane person as our president.

Overcome this Government

We are now free to publically curse blacks and immigrants and praise whites to no end. The Superiority of whites is now confirmed by Sessions being the Attorney General, Trump as President, Bannon as Chief advisor, etc. The poor will not get into the middle class because there will be no middle class now that the Billionaires are making the decisions without regulations on banks and financial firms. Lie after lie after lie will be told to prove Trump and the Republicans above the Constitution, Above the law, above restrictions on making money from their offices. We are seeing the moral successes of five generations going down the tubes. We are told we should have stolen other Countries natural resources while our children got slaughtered there. Torture is advocated as if the Eighth Amendment doesn't say "Cruel and Unusual Punishment" cannot be used. How can it even be discussed by our officials? Because we no longer have principles. Listen to the lies coming from the White House day after day, tweet after tweet. This paranoid set of Republicans, far worse than Nixon ever was, will destroy science, truth, and justice and make a virtue out of doing so. And criticism, even in the Senate, is no longer permitted. Unless the dissenters and marchers and resisters focus on a common goal and work to get that goal accomplished American will end. I suggest we work toward an "Actual Democracy" where the people vote directly on the laws, President, and Judges:

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Senate Shutting Warren Down.

It is obvious that the Republicans are failing to understand the Constitution and its obvious intent. Instead they have fallen into hiding from criticism. As said in the book "Animal farm", Some Pigs are more equal than other Pigs. MCconnel and the Republicans are "more equal Pigs". Lets see how they keep their being "more equal Pigs" when the ballot box calls the people to judge them. And you cannot Silence Senators with repercussions. They might even call you a stupid dictatorial Pig. Well, at least I will. One "at-a-girl" for Senator Warren. Seems all the Republicans are following their great leader, "Thin skinned" Trump the little boy who cries wolf.