Saturday, January 28, 2017

Resist and Overcome. Time to get up and defend liberty and justice "for all".

The "round up of illegals" is starting. The United States of America is physically going to remove "unwanted aliens", as if they are garbage to be collected and thrown out. The "Brown shirts" are coming out of the history of the holocaust and going to work in America. Armed and dangerous. 
If "We the People" had a vote we would probably choose to keep the illegal aliens and throw out the Republicans. The haters, the crazy, the lunatic fringe is governing America and we stand by and watch it. We'll be watching men and women being killed in a little while. Because they are "THE ENEMY". The cause of our (non-existent) problems.
This "need" to punish, maim, export, and if need be, kill these people is part of the Trump white-supremacist power hunger, conspiracy theory, and hate of Democracy, Freedom, and Love of our Neighbor. It is anti-American. Anti-Christian, Anti-human, anti-humane.
I will not suffer my neighbors to be rounded up, imprisoned, and deported because the Republicans have chosen Fascism over American Democracy.
Demand a Constitutional Convention with the aim of installing an "Actual Democracy" where the people vote on the laws, the executives, and the judges. Or buy guns and join the NRA and fall back on the Second Amendment, it's the only one the Republicans honor.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Trump's businesses will make a lot of money because Trump is President.

All of Trump's businesses are functioning. They are taking in money for products and services and the businesses themselves are getting more and more valuable. They doubled the cost for a year at Trump's Florida golf resort, from $100,000 to $200,000, as an example. After Trump leaves office he will step into a company hundreds of times it's current value. Effectively, Trump has made America a whore house: people bring him or his children, or other front men, money, and they get to screw America.

Monday, January 23, 2017

What the Woman's and Subsequent Marches Should March For...

For three years I have been saying that we must make our own laws, vote on our own laws, and end this failed Republic. ( see: Representatives don't represent us. And they sell their office even before they run for the office. This is the problem Bernie Sanders is screaming about: oligarchy. He wants to limit the money that is used in bribing the Representatives. It's not a solution. As long as there are people who make our laws rich people will bribe them, buy them. The only solution is to remove the Representatives and vote for the laws we live under ourselves. Also vote directly for Pres and vice-Pres and vote for the Judges.
More importantly, Actual Democracy is the only way we can have real equality: everyone's vote counts as much as everybody else's. And they are votes for laws,for the people who execute the laws, and for the people who interpret the laws. That makes those 'servants of the people' answerable to the people.
The wonderful people at Occu-evolve and other local organizations march to change the oppression that we all face and demand that oppression be changed. They have won small battles in the war for justice and equality and I honor them for that, join them for that when I can. But the Woman's March, that my wife marched in, made no discernible demands that could be accomplished. Abortion was ruled the law of the land in 1972 by the Supreme Court. The fight should be over. But the religious using politicians keep the 'battle' going to keep descension among the people. But all the problems come back to Representatives who rule us by making laws to benefit special interests and not the interests of "we the people".
We can win Freedom and Justice only if we win Actual Democracy and end this Republic run by oligarchs. Demand our freedom based on our making our own laws, choosing our executive and judicial officers and work for that end. We must march for Freedom and Justice by Marching for the proper method for having them. A small Constitutional Amendment along these lines.
"The right of citizens Of the United States to directly vote for the laws under which they live, to directly carry out all other legislative functions stated in Article I of the Constitution, to directly vote for the President and Vice President, and to directly vote for the Judiciary, shall not be abridged by the United States or by any State."
I submit it is worth fighting for. The next movement for Democracy, Freedom, and Justice.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Trump is in violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution (ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 8) because money is flowing from many of his overseas businesses into his companies. A lot of that money is directly, or indirectly, from the governments of those countries. He has tax breaks to manufacture clothes in Turkey, for example. He should be impeached. To Trump, money is more important than people and more important than any law disallowing him to make more money.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Why Trump is an illegitimate President.

Why Trump is an Illegitimate President

He has sexually assaulted at least 12 women. This is a set of repeated crimes. He's a serial sex criminal.

He has denied African-Americans equal access to apartments in his buildings. In 1972 he and his father paid two fines to the Government. There was no criminal guilt asserted. But, there was a defined civil violation of the 1968 Housing Laws which then implied that Trump and Father denied Blacks the equal protection of the Housing Laws.

He has paid $25 Million dollars in a civil fraud case from Trump University defrauding many, if not all, of the students. This payment, like the one above, brought no criminal guilt, but plainly shows that Trump again violated the rights of American Citizens and cheated them out of, at least, $25 Million dollars. And, again, while doing so, denied the students the equal protection of the laws he violated.

Now he will be the President of the United States, the most powerful man on earth, sworn to protect and defend the Constitution, and to administer and execute the laws of the United States. He is not fit to administer laws that he has consciously violated. He is someone who denied many citizens the equal protection of the laws and also defrauded them of their money while he did. Such a person cannot administer laws that he disparaged and violated throughout his life.

To put it plainly, Trump is a moral pervert, a sexual pervert, and a proven racist. As President he will sign new laws and recommend laws to Congress. Since he has shown, SHOWN, contempt for laws throughout his life these laws will not be legitimate. It is the Criminal becoming the Chief of Police.

The women he assaulted should sue him. Prosecutors in the jurisdictions where the women were assaulted should bring criminal charges. A special prosecutor should be assigned to charge Trump with criminal fraud in running the Trump University.

He is illegitimate.   

Trump and his position toward Putin

The 'media' is missing Trump's intent in normalizing Putin. Tillerson, the CEO of Exxon, and Trump's nominee for Secretary of State, owns the rights to drill for oil in 62 million acres of Russian land. With the sanctions that the U.S. has on Russia they cannot get the oil from this land or sell the oil from this land. Trump has aimed to normalize Russia so that he can remove the sanction from Russia and surreptitiously profit, along with Exxon, Tillerson, etc., in robbing the Russian people. Trump is, was, and always will be a petty thief stealing large amounts of money. The 'pettiness' comes from how weak minded and transparent his crimes really are.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

response to Times: why rural area supported Trump.

The article is correct. The rural philosophy differs from the city philosophy. The question is why? Science is disdained as a bunch of lies, as agenda. Religion is emphasized as the correction to 'evil science'. The rural areas are more poorly educated than the city, and the city schools are terrible. Schools are 'bureaucracies', plain and simple. They are places where tax dollars are spent to support teachers, superintendents, 'special education', security guards, kitchen workers, principles, assistant principles, advisors for college preparation, and on and on. If the rural area teaches the religious 'badness' of mankind while the urbans learn the goodness of mankind then they are both wrong! Those are moral judgements made without biological support. Science has given us a tremendous boost in quality of life. Religion has given us decaying roads and preachers of hate and separation. The Rural areas are neglected because the religiously trained elected representatives of the rural areas have used their office to not spend tax dollars on their communities but on themselves. The 10 poorest states are solidly Republican. The ten worst educated states are solidly republican. It's not an accident. The Republican philosophy is to use government as a means robbing the people. And they have convinced the people they are robbing that the Democrats are the thieves. People who routinely vote against their own self interest soon have nothing. Cities subsidize rural areas.