Wednesday, October 9, 2024

More on Trump's Chumps

When growing up we used to call the naive kids that believed the lies "chumps". I still do. Many of the Republicans and Christians of today fall into that category. I call them

Trumps Chumps.

Mostly we were all Chumps from time to time. Especially about sports figures. Clemente was better than Hank Arron, etc. We didn't really mind so much being a Chump now and then. But we always more or less hated to feel like one. That's why I don't try and blast the Maga Republicans and Christians that quote Trumps lies. They don't know any better. They are just Trump's Chumps. And it looks like they break up the gang. The gang that refuses to be a Chump for Trump and wants dignity and honesty for everybody is not better or superior to Chumps, they are just closer to the truth, less violent, more honest. I suggest they quit being a Chump for Trump and become a friend of truth, honesty, and integrity. It feels a lot better than knowing you're a life long Chump. Quit being a Chump and vote Against the lifelong Chump, Trump.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Thoughts of Trump

 Trump won't give his medical reports because he is already dead, dead in the head. Trump is totally irrational, a lost soul, and obtuse as any human has ever been. He can't think anymore and was never really good at it. Who else has lost money running government-licensed CASINOS?

He's raped many women - which the good Christians love - it 'titillates' them. He's ordered to pay 90 million to a rape victim, which makes him the biggest "trick" in history: paid $90 million for SEX. Cheated the U.S. government, through his company, of 500 million in taxes—bold, brassy, dumb as a rock, and twice as ugly Trump. And every one of the 1.1 million dead in the U.S. Covid debacle heard Trump say "Don't wear masks" and "Don't stay home." "It's going to go away, like magic." They heard their inept President and listened to him, all the way to the grave. Here's a man with a lost mind, a poisoned soul, and infinite disdain for justice and truth.

Monday, September 30, 2024

America's Relation with Israel

 A true friend? How about one that won, or assisted Israel to win, their independence and the war that started the next day. Then subsidized its army for another 75 years, Helping, and ensuring, 3 other victories to maintain Israel's independence, and prosperity. Netanyahu came along a near perfect example of a Jewish Hitler, and America, reluctantly, still saved Israel's independence.

Israel would not accept an end to a 2000-year-old war by giving the Palestinians a state to call their own and one they could rule. The United States has had Israel literally spit in the U.S.'s face and still supports its criminally run government. These facts prove America is a friend far and beyond the limits of friendship, logic, and fairness. I support Biden's position but I have lost all respect for Israel. Israel better win these wars they're causing, because after they are over, many Americans will take to the streets screaming to end our protection of Israel who has used us and then used us up. I suggest Israel join Nato, or the Arab Union, or anything else. But don't ever think you can use America, again, like you just did.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

AI and it's Dangers...

 There appears to be a little leaning toward "The Sky is Falling" in saying AI can be dangerous, but not specifying how it can be dangerous. Certainly a pile of code that can look up the amassed knowledge of mankind, can't make a nuclear weapon. It can't pick anything up. Of course it could guide people to pick up needed ingredients. But that can only occur when the person or persons involved asked how to make a nuclear or biological weapon. But of course, whatever AI can look up any search program can ultimately find. People can use AI to accelerate their gaining of knowledge. That is AI's primary function. AI will mature, just like dynamite production matured. But people had to put the physically destructive materials together. Evil, and stupidity, are human qualities, not programming goals. Ultimately, scientific knowledge on destroying anything, corrupting anything is in the public domain. AI cannot be limited to pick and chose what can be used to inform people about how to destroy people. Scientific information is not hidden, it is actively sought to make progress. I see no reason to try and hide scientific knowledge. It's in the public domain!!

Monday, September 2, 2024

Poor Pathetic Spiteful Trump ...

 Poor pathetic spiteful Donald Trump. He lost his last election try, he lost his NY State Fraud trial and was found guilty of sexual abuse, which the Judge characterized as rape, 90 million payment on the rape and near 500 million on the Company Fraud and tax case. Trump's been losing a lot. He lost 1.1 million Americans who died from covid and who had been told, by Trump, to not wear masks, not get tested, and don't stay home. He thinks, spitefully, that he's been treated unfairly: how has he treated us, 8 Trillion more debt, a destroyed economy, and advice that killed a whole lot of people after they listened to their idiot President. I'm just wishing for 2 more losses for Trump: The Presidency and his freedom: lock this spiteful, small, ignorant man up, for the good of the Country. Vote out every Republican you can because they assisted him in most of his destruction of our laws and our freedom, like no abortions for raped women or even those who just want or need one. Damn Trump and his supporters. And I pray that I may forget these things that with myself I too much discuss, too much explain -- T.S. Eliot, I think

Monday, August 26, 2024

Worthless Trump!

 There were 1,100,000 Americans killed by the covid virus under Trump's Presidency. And Trump told every one of them, "Don 't wear masks." "Don't stay home. Go to work!" "Everyone who wants a test can get one." - Which was a lie. It took another month before anyone could get a test.

The President of the United States advised people to not protect their lives as the Doctors were telling them. Trump is a stupid worthless ignorant fool and totally culpable for the death of Americans he told not to protect themselves.
The Judge on Sept. 18th should send him to the jail he has earned, over and over again, at far too high a price!
If soldiers are fools and chumps then the Commander in chief was a bigger fool and bigger chump to take a job giving orders to people he disdained, held in contempt.
Damn Donald Trump and everything he stands for. Killing babies after taking them from their families! Totally contemptable. And done in our NAME, America killed the babies, the covid victims that obeyed him. I know there is no Hell, but I would gladly create one for this viciously corrupt and stupid worthless piece of rotten flesh.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Kamala Harris acceptance Speech should guide us to our warranted hopeful future.

 A champion in the image of Founding Fathers walked smiling off the podium last night. We liked her speech. We liked her strength. Kamala Harris is obviously smarter, stronger, even more attractive than the would be 'gangster' who is a petty thief who got his hands on the U.S. Treasury and fouled it like everything else he touches, friends, women, the law, the USA. Clinton may have been from "Hope", Kamala Harris is carrying it to us and reaching for us to grab hold and honor it as a strong legacy. We must take hold of it, commit to it, work for it and kill the petty ogre blocking the bridge to our more perfect path to the coming generations of free and strong Americans laughing at the weird, small men serving the wealthy but unwise oligarchs of monetary wealth and empty coffers of affectionate strength, justice, and Biden like empathy. We must work for freedom, for our inalienable rights, and send the children where no "fake mob boss" will ever rule with fear and coercion of our future of hope and opportunity.